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Infant feeding


8 replies

Tea1Sugar · 19/04/2014 20:07

My boobs are like lead. They hurt like hell, they're each the size of my head, covered in monstrous blue veins and are so hard they could knock someone out.

Dd2 is 4 days old and in the early hours this morning my milk came in. Cue these monstrosities. I'm formula feeding though. When will they go away? Are we talking hours/days/weeks? I want my pre-pregnancy boobs back!

(Yes I already smell of cabbage. The cold leaves are slightly relieving).

OP posts:
MrsSpencerReid · 19/04/2014 20:48

Reading that has made my boobs hurtConfused (that's supposed to be a face in pain) you have my sympathies, maybe a hot shower/bath then they might leak and relieve the pressure but you won't be stimulating milk? Hope it passes soon

SecretRed · 19/04/2014 20:37

I ff my 3 children and it took about 4-5 days for my boobs to go down. They looked ace in a bra but hurt like mad!

BertieBotts · 19/04/2014 20:30

Google "Marmet hand expressing technique"

BertieBotts · 19/04/2014 20:30

You can't get tablets any more as they won't prescribe them but you can try decongestants like the ones in lemsip. (Handy added painkiller too!)

Also hand express just a little off to stop them feeling rock hard, but only just enough to relieve the pressure, otherwise you'll encourage your body to make more milk. But that will prevent you from issues like mastitis and blocked ducts.

You could ask a herbalist as well if there is a herbal remedy to dry up milk at all as you usually don't need a prescription for those.

RhondaJean · 19/04/2014 20:22

I'm remembering how the best thing to bring them down was stick dd on one boob(sorry not helpful for you I know) but when I did that the other one went off like a fountain!

It would really help if they prepared you for this type of thing.

Tuckingfypo · 19/04/2014 20:17

I cut down to one bf per day before I stopped and it still took about a week for my milk to dry up :( sorry that isn't very helpful but I sympathise as I know the pain!

Congratulations on your new baby though :)

Raxacoricofallapatorius · 19/04/2014 20:10

Isn't it lovely when the cabbage starts to cook slightly?

RhondaJean · 19/04/2014 20:08

Oh I remember it well, sympathies,I bf though. No one had warned me and I was horrified.

I think you can get tablets if you are ffing?

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