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Infant feeding

Baby only feeding from one side

6 replies

DaleyBump · 06/03/2014 17:44

DS is 14 weeks old and all of today and yesterday he's been refusing my right boob. I've tried expressing first and different positions but he just keeps refusing. He'll scream until he's blue in the face and just won't take it. I'm really engorged in my right one and my left one is having to do the work of two. What can I do?

OP posts:
BillyAndBamBam · 06/03/2014 22:54

Dd always used to struggle on my left side, did from the very beginning. I've now been feeding her exclusively from the right side for about 10 months now with no issues at all so don't worry too much.

My left nipple was bleeding and in agony before I gave up trying to get it to work.

daluze · 06/03/2014 22:52

My DS sometimes was doing this. I was usually able to latch him during night feed, when he would be very sleepy and would not resist. Also expressed a bit before latching, to make it softer (I know you tried it). After eating once at night, next day he would be fine on both sides again.
No other advice, just understanding how annoying and uncomfortable it is... express at least a bit to avoid mastitis...

DaleyBump · 06/03/2014 19:30

I've tried all of that :(

OP posts:
Ludways · 06/03/2014 19:14

There's lots of things you can try. Try moving him to the other breast without changing the side he's laying on. Or lay him on the bed and offer either breast without him changing positions etc.

Check his ears, one may be a little sore.

Nothing to worry about yet.

SpottyTeacakes · 06/03/2014 19:11

Have you tried the rugby hold? It used to trick ds a good'un!

DaleyBump · 06/03/2014 19:10

Hopeful bump.

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