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Please tell me how to get baby to take a bottle.

35 replies

Cupcakemummy85 · 14/06/2013 13:51

My dd is 18 weeks and breast feeding has been so traumatic from the start (constant cluster feeds, tongue tie, cmpi and now mastitis). I'm very much ready to give up but dd has other ideas. We have every bottle on the market and she won't except any of them. Her special formula, cow and gate pepti, she won't even try and I'm so fed up. I'm on antibiotics for the mastitis and its really the last straw for me. Dd1 who is 23 months needs me too and I have managed to put her to bed once since having dd2. I feel extremely guilty for both girls. I could really do with some advise. The doctor and hv said if she's hungry she will take it and the paed said to start weaning her and carry on bf. I personally don't think she is ready to b weaned yet. What do I do :(

OP posts:
Goldmandra · 18/06/2013 22:41

Well you're clearly doing something very right if she's putting on weight so well. You've nothing to feel guilty for at all.

If giving her baby rice helps you get some better nights that can only be a good thing.

Half the problem is that, at times like this, you get different advice from different people and they all expect you to listen only to them. It can be incredibly frustrating.

If you want, deep down, to continue BFing then perhaps the early weaning will help you to do this. Getting through this sticky patch and then achieving long term, relaxed feeding could be really good for you but it has to be your decision, nobody else's.

Do what feels right to you. If that's continuing BFing, great. There's no reason not to keep trying the odd bottle in case she comes round to the idea in the meantime.

Good luck and remember to enjoy her too Smile

Cupcakemummy85 · 18/06/2013 22:39

So could I try dd with warm water? Can it be sweetened in any way? You'd think I was a first time mum but I've forgotten it all and dd1 is only 23 months lol.

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GladbagsGold · 18/06/2013 22:21

My DD refused bottles until lovely key worker discovered she likes milk a LOT warmer than you'd expect.

When I had some bf issues I called la leche league and spoke to one of the nicest women I've ever chatted to. They might have some advice/listening ear to help you bf for another month or so if that would help?

Startail · 18/06/2013 22:21

DD2 fell completely off the weight chart, would she take a bottle-no way.

In the end she was weaned slightly early and lived on BFing and yoghurt. By 7 months she'd happily drink dilute juice and eat yoghurt and let DH put her to bed if I went out. (She wouldn't touch milk, formula or cow).

I have seen her drink out of a bottle, once, aged 5. She'd put her Ribenna in to one she was feeding her doll with.

Jojay · 18/06/2013 22:15

I don't see any reason not to try the TT cup now, if you want to. Glad it went well with HV and weight gain is good.

Cupcakemummy85 · 18/06/2013 22:11

Her weight gain was very good and the hv said I can wean her to just baby rice until she is five months or more. This suggestion by the health visitor might actually keep me breastfeeding for longer as it sort of gives me hope that my dd might sleep a little more perhaps and might not feed so much. She is improving everyday. I'm used to being dairy free, the low point was the mastitis. I guess because dd1 didn't thrive on my breast milk I get very paranoid that dd2 will b the same and won't gain weight.
I was wondering when can they start using one of those cheap tommee tippee cups? My friend used to give her dd formula on that cup. 6 months?

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Goldmandra · 18/06/2013 19:17

How did it go with the HV?

talulahbeige · 17/06/2013 20:14

we had the same problem with taking a couple of oz but then refusing. turned out that we weren't winding her enough. it can take a good 20 mins of winding before she would take it again. we also changed to Dr Brown bottles

talulahbeige · 16/06/2013 20:47

we had the same problem with taking a couple of oz but then refusing. turned out that we weren't winding her enough. it can take a good 20 mins of winding before she would take it again. we also changed to Dr Brown bottles

Cupcakemummy85 · 16/06/2013 17:17

I've tried different cups but she hates them and especially when I try to cup feed with no lid.
I'm so ready to stop breast feeding. I feel so trapped. Out of desperation I did as the paediatrician said and tried her in baby rice and she took the lot but didn't seem excited by it. I'm going to get her weighed tomorrow and ask the hv. Surely I can't be trapped into breast feeding. :( I just know we'd all be happier if she were on bottles.

OP posts:
Goldmandra · 15/06/2013 14:49

Have you tried an open cup?

DD1 refused bottles and on a couple of occasions when we really needed her to take expressed milk DH got her to take it from a bottle cap. She wouldn't actually suck anything.

TooManyDicksOnTheDancefloor · 15/06/2013 14:44

I've just been through this and now dd takes a bottle! I ended up going cold turkey, I refused to breastfeed her and kept trying the bottle all day. She would arch her back, push the teat out with her tongue and cry, as soon as she became distressed I would stop and distract her. She was taking small amount of milk and juice from a doidy cup so I knew she wasn't dehydrated. After 21 hours (can't believe I held out that long) she took a bottle! She was sat in her chair with the tv on to distract her. I found NUK latex teats to be the best, she wouldn't even have a silicone teat in her mouth.

Cupcakemummy85 · 14/06/2013 23:02

What an amazing thread joy I think I might have to go out and buy a lot of the things listed lol.
You are so right nightfall the pepti is gross as are all the special formulas. I've tried them and they make me gag. It's like bitter smash lol.
Reading a few threads here and there are people who cut out gluten, eggs, wheat AND dairy out of their diet to breast feed their children. What else is there left to eat?! Lol should I do the same.
candy I will try those techniques you suggested and hopefully dd will respond well to them.

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CandyPop · 14/06/2013 22:11

I feel for u as I had a bottle refuser. She took random bottles from 3 weeks and then around 3 months she suddenly rejected it . I tried every trick in the book ... Sorry you know this already but after vast amount of research here are some tricks that have worked for some ppl ;
-different bottles , different teat flows

  • slightly warmer milk then u think it should be
  • different person give bottle with you out of the house (apparently they can smell u even if ur in a different room !)
  • giving them the bottle in a different position then how u would have her when breastfeeding ie. slightly sitting up or give her the bottle lying her on bed/floor
  • giving bottle when she's not due a feed so not too hungry (less likely to fuss and be angry)

When we initially tried, my LO behaved the same as yours, arching back , pushing teat out of her mouth, getting very stressed from it. We kept trying it now and again with no luck. And then last week, I tried the bottle with her lying on the floor just before her late afternoon feed (she wasn't too hungry and was pretty happy) she didnt spit out teat but didnt such bottle either and took a couple ounces. Then on the 3rd day whilst sitting on my lap, I pop the bottle in and she just started taking it!! What I'm trying to say, sometimes its luck, they just change their minds suddenly for no reason. So keep trying , main thing is, if she does get quite stress , I would stop doing it for a couple days then try again. You don't want them to start associating the bottle with being stressed. Good luck ! My LO is 7 months btw!
Nightfall1983 · 14/06/2013 22:03

Two thoughts from a fellow mother of a CMPI baby, possible not that helpful but DS always loved bottles (and hated the breast):

  1. the pepti formula milk is hydrolysed which means they do something to remove/change the protein so that it is digested. If baby has a serious intolerance this might not be enough because the milk is still based on cows milk. It is possible she is rejecting it because it still hurts her. DS has Neocate formula milk which is amino acid based and now from cows, it is impossible to be allergic to it.

  2. I wouldn't wean at 18 weeks either, ESP if you don't think she is ready however to make the (frankly disgusting) formula more palatable you could try adding some flavouring - the following are favoured by fellow CMPI sufferers: vanilla essence or plain cocoa powder or nesquik strawberry powder...
Jojay · 14/06/2013 21:55

This thread was a godsend. I know you're not egg free, but it has loads of ideas and will help when you come to weaning too.

Jojay · 14/06/2013 21:52

Go onto the allergy board on here, there's of threads for those on restricted diets - some fab tips and recipes. So glad you're feeling better about everything Smile

Cupcakemummy85 · 14/06/2013 21:50

Oh and the tongue tie was cut and apart from the mastitis it isn't sore to feed.
Thank you so much for telling me about green and blacks chocolate!!!!! My hips and thighs won't thank you but my sanity will lol.

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Cupcakemummy85 · 14/06/2013 21:48

jojay she is intolerant to cows milk protein the paed said, I am totally off dairy, well as far as I know, something's have a trace but I'm trying not to b too restrictive. When I was on dairy and when she took normal formula in the early days her pops had a lot of mucus and big white lumps in it, she screamed even more than she does now, very very windy (bottom wind lol) and never really settled to sleep, despite gaining a good amount of weight.
To be honest, now I've had an evening to myself and a glass if wine I feel a lot calmer about things. I really feel my gut instinct is to hold off on the weaning, as much as I want to crack on with it and fill her up lol.
I will go out tomorrow and buy lots of Jaffa cakes, hopefully they will keep me sane for a while.

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MrsWooster · 14/06/2013 21:23

Get someone else to do it - don't even be in the room when someone else is trying to feed her. She can smell/sense you.

Jojay · 14/06/2013 21:20

It's a tough situation. So she's cow's milk intolerant? What symptoms did she have to indicate this and are you off dairy too? Has you cutting out dairy made a noticeable difference?

Sorry for all the questions but it does make your situation a bit different to the usual 'my baby won't take a bottle' scenario.

As you've probably discovered, hypoallergenic formulas smell and taste revolting and persuading an order baby to take them (as opposed to a newborn) is a challenge in itself, with or without a bottle refusing issue thrown into the mix.

Has the tongue tie been sorted? Is it painful to feed any more?

Have you considered trying to make bfing work? I understand how frustrating the diet restrictions are - I was off dairy too for 6 months while feeding my cows milk allergic twins. But there is lots of nice food out there that is dairy free, if you know where to look. Jaffa cakes, Green and Blacks dark chocolate, Soreen Banana loaf, Sacla Aubergine Pesto are a few products that made life worth living when I was off dairy.

In a couple of months or so, your DD will start to cut back on bfeeds naturally as solids are introduced, and bfing is suddenly a lot less daunting when you are not their only source of food!

It might be less stressful in the long run to hang on in there a bit longer.

Best of luck Smile

happydaze77 · 14/06/2013 21:03

Most breastfeeding advice sites now say that what you eat does not affect your baby's breastmilk, so I wouldn't worry about cutting out certain foods. You need your treats at times like these! Brew


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happydaze77 · 14/06/2013 20:57

I would use expressed breast milk or formula as I would have thought that she would prefer the taste of milk, not water. Also, serve the milk quite warm, as it would be if she were breastfeeding. I found this made a big difference.
With regards to weaning, I understand what you mean about trusting experts, but you should also trust your instincts. If you feel she isn't ready, then maybe she isn't. I was advised to wean at 4 1/2 months, by my hv, for no reason other than 'she's old enough now' (?!) Stupidly I tried it and she became very unsettled and constipated. One night she screamed so much I called nhs direct for help. (I'm not a panicky person)
I went straight back to ebf, and tried again a month later and she took to it really well, and became a much more settled baby.
Also (and I know this is easier said than done) try not to get to stressed about trying - your dd will pick up on it. I second the advice about getting someone else to do it, while you are out of the room.

MumnGran · 14/06/2013 20:00

Have you tried tipping milk in from the end of a pointy teaspoon it doesn't actually go into her mouth?
Just a thought ... but if she would accept even a little, that way, then you could work up to putting a fraction more teaspoon into her mouth each time.
Feeds are going to take a while though Sad

Think you need Wine

Cupcakemummy85 · 14/06/2013 19:57

I did try a sippy cup the other day but it seems whenever something is put in her mouth that isn't my nipple, ie, bottle, dummy or sippy cup she totally freaks out. I'm so worried about weaning now as I think she will hate having a spoon offered to her. It's really effecting me to the point I can't eat, my stomach is in knots with nerves and worry. Every time I put my foot down and say I'm not breast feeding anymore she screams the house down and I give in.
I've heard so many mums tell me their children refused the bottle and went ages without anything to drink. One lady said her son ended up in hospital because he was so dehydrated. How can these hcp offer out this awful and potentially dangerous advise?!
I'm really hoping she will love being weaned like dd1. I'm so scared of it now. I feel like I'm scared of my own child. I just can't take the screaming anymore.

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