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Infant feeding

Breastfeeding: One breast bigger than the other.

3 replies

themammy73 · 03/02/2013 12:57

Can anyone offer any advice or relate to this? I noticed this when breastfeeding my last DD too but my right breast is slightly bigger than the left. DD is less than 3 weeks old so slightly more noticeable (to me anyway!) at this stage as things continue to settle down. There is no favouritism and she feeds happily from both sides equally. Is it just that the right-side likes to produce more??

OP posts:
Isandri · 04/02/2013 14:47

I had this and fed more off the small breast for a day, e.g. did 2 feeds off the small breast and 1 off the bigger one for a day. It fixed the problem.

themammy73 · 04/02/2013 13:24

Thanks so much for the response; that has put my mind at rest. Good to know I'm completely normal! Smile

OP posts:
Seriouslysleepdeprived · 03/02/2013 19:20

Yes. Most people have one more productive boob than the other. Mine is the right one too. Even now at 10 months it always feels bigger & fuller. It also takes longer to adjust than the other. Totally normal Smile

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