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Flat nipples and nipple shields - advice please!

6 replies

stripeymummy · 13/08/2011 16:57

Dear All,

I posted this in pregnancy, but was recommended that I try it here too.

I have small flat nipples and really want to BF. I have gotten the impression that wearing nipple shields before the birth might help bring out my nipples and reduce initial problems with latching on etc.

Is this actually true, and if so, when should I start wearing them? And what brands would people recommend? I have heard good things about Avent and Medela.
I am 27+3

Cheers :)

OP posts:
crikeybadger · 13/08/2011 19:32

Try not to worry about it stripeymummy- not everyone finds it difficult to feed with flat nipples. Remember it's called breast feeding, not nipple feeding. Smile So, whilst some mothers can find it a bit harder to latch on in the early weeks, it will come with practise.

There are good articles here and here.

Good luck with it all.

stripeymummy · 13/08/2011 19:04

Thanks to everyone for their advice.

There is a BF support group at the beginning of each month at my maternity unit for those already bf and those planning to, so I will def go along in Sept to get advice. I think there are weekly ones too, but they're for those already with babies.

Thanks for the note on breast shells supadupa, I'll look into them, and see what the support group says. I am a wee bit worried about it, as I really really want to bf, and am starting to worry that it's going to be even more difficult than it would be normally :(

But I'm stubborn and I shall persevere :)

OP posts:
supadupapupascupa · 13/08/2011 18:29

it isn't nipple shields but breast shells that you can wear before the birth. Apparently. I have the same problem and only fed DS for 13 weeks by expressing after feeding through a shield. It was a nightmare and I will be going through it all over again in january :-(

Phoenixflame · 13/08/2011 18:24

I echo what thandeka said best thing to do is to get professional advice. I have seen the nipplettes and they are meant to be good.

I know some ppl say nipple shields can effect your supply but I never had a problem and I was using them for the whole duration of the feed at every feed at first cos I also suffered from cracked nipples and the shields were the only thing that helped them heal properly.
If you do use nipple shields I'd say make sure you and dc have plenty of skin to skin time cos that can also help your supply.

Thandeka · 13/08/2011 18:04

Nipple shields won't help draw them out unless baby sucks on them. There is a product called latch assist which helps draw them out for latching or on caled nipplette which I think you can wear before birth. I have flat nipples and dd wouldn't latch without shields initially but after few weeks we were fine - be careful with shields as can affect milk supply- best to get support from a bf-ing expert. Good luck!

Phoenixflame · 13/08/2011 17:56

Stripey, I think that it's great you really want to bf already. I had a lot of trouble at first trying to bf ds cos like you I have flat nipples. I don't know about wearing nipple shields before the birth to help but I definitely found them to be a godsend when i started using them to bf ds.

I don't think just wearing them will actually change the shape of your nipples to help your dc latch on. I found that it's only when ds latches on to the shield (+ nipple of course) and has feed for a min or 2 that the nipple actually takes to the right shape. I think that the sucking helps mould the nipple to the shape of the shield helping the tip to 'pop' out as it were. Lol.

So what I do is let him do that then unlatch him and take the shield off then let him latch on again. Sounds a bit long but it works fine for me. Maybe something similar will work for you. I don't know what other ppl will suggest and this is just from my personal experience.

I don't go anywhere without my shields in the changing bag and ds is now 5months old. I found that Boots own brand are really good. I tried using the Avent ones but although I liked the shape I found the holes in them were too big for ds and he was taking too much milk too quickly causing him to be sick a lot.

Hope this helps x

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