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JANUARY BOOK OF THE MONTH - discussion night and author chat will take place here Thursday 31st Jan from 8pm

190 replies

TillyBookClub · 23/01/2008 12:58

This the place to come for our January Bookclub discussion and to chat to our esteemed author Tim Dowling, author of The Giles Wareing Haters Club.

If you can't make it on Thursday then do post a question for Tim here and we'll make sure he gets to it. And if you are coming on Thursday but want to post an advance question then feel free - we'll email them to Tim and will kick off with the answers when he comes on.

Hope everyone can make it, see you Thursday...

OP posts:
JustineMumsnet · 31/01/2008 21:36

What would your pick be out of this lot for our Feb book of the month and do you think there are any similarities between your work and those of the author of the book you'd pick (only kidding - you don't have to answer that )?

TheDevilWearsPrimark · 31/01/2008 21:37

And I very much agree with jutine re commentisfree. It seems to be more intelligence oneupmanship than actually communicating.

TimDowling · 31/01/2008 21:39

To Justine:

They do tend to gang up on the Guardian talkboards, but all the exaggeration and perverse humour and vitriol is part of internet culture, and probably not to be taken too seriously. but I still think it's best to ignore it. When people are trying to provoke a response, and they don't get it, they feel like they've wasted their time.

TimDowling · 31/01/2008 21:39

I have felted a shed, and it leaks badly.

fryalot · 31/01/2008 21:40

Were you worried about coming on here tonight? Did it cross your mind that we could cyber-bully you if we hadn't enjoyed the book?

mablemurple · 31/01/2008 21:40
TimDowling · 31/01/2008 21:41

To TIlly:

I'd pick Middlemarch, cos I haven't read it, but I'd recommend Vanity Fair, just about the best book in the whole world. Woman in White also v good.

TillyBookClub · 31/01/2008 21:42

nerdbomber, great question. I think Giles is halfAmerican isn't he? His dad is American... But would love to know what insecurities woudl be same/different were he fully American and the story in the US.

OP posts:
Hassled · 31/01/2008 21:42

No no no - say Brideshead!

sophiewd · 31/01/2008 21:43

Please say Brideshead, can empathise with the dog, mine does the same, and do you mend your own domestic appliances

TimDowling · 31/01/2008 21:44

To Squonk:
I've never posted on a talkboard before, so I was a little overexcited. My son has got out of bed and is saying "Dad, why don't you do one of the grins?"

TimDowling · 31/01/2008 21:46

from way upthread, to controlfreakgobshite:

-is your dw a mumsnetter? are you a closet mumsnetter?

My wife isn't a mumsnetter, as far as I know. I've been to mumsnet before, as I said, but I wouldn't call myself a closet mumsnetter. But I am, generally speaking, a closet internetter: wherever I go, I lurk.

midnightexpress · 31/01/2008 21:47

Yes say brideshead because I haven't read it and can't face the prospect of ploughing through Vanity Fair again. Which, btw, is categorically not the best book in the world.

fryalot · 31/01/2008 21:47
TheDevilWearsPrimark · 31/01/2008 21:48

I hope whoever organised this set Tim to 'Classic mumsnet' view. The new look is just so awkward to read.

TimDowling · 31/01/2008 21:49

To nerdbomber:

That's a very good question. If Giles were American he would have to be, in the words of one rejecting US publisher, less of a "loser". I don't think America has any sympathy with the Giles type. As far as I'm concerned he would be the same, perhaps more outwardly brash and capable, but inside the same seething mess. I'd like to tackle a more American character in future.

TimDowling · 31/01/2008 21:50

Brideshead then

TimDowling · 31/01/2008 21:50

I'm in "book-style"

controlfreakyagain · 31/01/2008 21:51

bleugh to brideshead.
vf every time!

controlfreakyagain · 31/01/2008 21:51

bleugh to brideshead.
vf every time!

TimDowling · 31/01/2008 21:51

Tilly told me to answer another question but I can't remember which one now.

TimDowling · 31/01/2008 21:54

TO sophiewd:

I do sometimes mend appliances. I did once fix the microwave in the exact way described in the book, but it took much longer, about 4 days.


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fryalot · 31/01/2008 21:54

How far in advance do you write your Saturday Guardian items?

Will we feature in this weeks?

TimDowling · 31/01/2008 21:57


I have to write next Saturday's tomorrow. And I have no idea what it will be about yet,and now, thank you very much, I'm having a little panic about it.

TillyBookClub · 31/01/2008 21:57

I'm super relieved to find someone else who hasn't read Middlemarch.

I think we ought to let Tim get back to his out-of-bed boys so I'd like to say a massive thank you to him for coming on tonight. Tim, you have been a trooper - especially considering the, erm, technical hitch, that made things rather surreal for a while. Good luck with everything (and if Middlemarch wins, will you come and join February's bookclub? I bet I'll be able to spot your false nickname...)

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