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'3rd trimester bits and pieces, post on here while our weight increases'

1000 replies

stac14 · 12/03/2010 21:51

Yet another new thread for the July gabbers!! Everyone welcome, feel free to come in, say hi and share in the chat.

OP posts:
viksam · 29/04/2010 19:46

Hello everybody,
wonder re Anti-D injection, i got really worried when i read ur post coz I had it last week, i wasnt told of any risk, is there something i should have been made aware of?? It did sting a bit but nothing in comparison to what we are just about to go through. I hope ur around to write back. Ur trip sounds ace, as long as you have ur ticket and ur passport and ur green notes/maternity notes, there isnt much else that u cant buy so dont stress too much if you can help it.
I shop on line occasionally, its good because u dont impulse buy, i think it will come into its own when LO arrives.
I have just booked a 4d scan for a few weeks time when my sister comes to visit, i dont know if its the right thing to do but im very curious and i think she and DH will enjoy it. Im just worried that it will throw up something horrid. Hmmmm, not sure that its worth the worry.

Jojobil · 29/04/2010 18:17

Yes My friend is very tall She send me a picture and he is a gorgeous little boy

stac14 · 29/04/2010 17:48

jojo thats a good weight for 4 and a half wks prem. If he went full term he'd have been huge lol. Was he gorgeous

mlic thats fab they are helping you, hope you get your referal soon

alle i probably should do it online but i like getting out of the house no doubt the bigger i get i will get food shopping online. Hope you go soon hun x

OP posts:
alle01 · 29/04/2010 13:20

mylife- sorry, had no brain today, anyway i didn't mean to reprimend, just making a point why.

Jojobil · 29/04/2010 12:15

stac I think 6.5 lbs or something like that...

MyLifeIsChaotic · 29/04/2010 11:44

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alle01 · 29/04/2010 10:46

stac- why don't you do your shopping online?, i started months ago as i can't be arsed to go to the shop for a couple of hours and it's great, helps bugget as well, pick up anything you want and then trim the check out until happy with the price.
mylife- i don't think they'll allow you to use normal pads because they might need to look at the lochia (bleeding) if something is not quite right and the normal absorb more and give a bad indication.
due day today but not much so far, and i had a couple of long false labours,....

Wonderstuff · 29/04/2010 09:05

Hi all
Had midwife appointment yesterday and all fine - she got a bit stressed about me not having anti-d (no way on earth under any circumstances am I having another, so would rather not have stress, pain and small risk of anti-d) anyway apparently this creates lots of paperwork!

Off to states tomorrow - so nervous about it - worried about dd and leaving her, about not making the flight, forgetting something, just about everything, can't wait till I'm on the plane and might relax a little.

stac14 · 29/04/2010 08:07

I have to say they have been accurate for me. All the chinese predictors and old wives tales tests came back girl and 4 scans can't be wrong lol

jojo dp was very premature too born at 24 weeks and he's fine. The consultant said its common for babies to have breathing difficulties if born before 39 weeks by c-section. I'm sure lo will be a strapping lad before she knows it. What weight was he? X

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MyLifeIsChaotic · 29/04/2010 08:03

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Jojobil · 29/04/2010 07:12

All those people coming up and predictors - it's rubbish!

With my DD everyone was saying it's a boy. She was a surprise And with LO everyone came up and said that it is a girl. All predictors chinese and old tales and you name it said girl. But both scan showed a boy So honestly I would not pay attention to it. One thing that I din notice is that with DD I was feeling much sicker. Apparently some women deal worse with the girl hormones/chemistry. But again it depends on the person

On another hand my friend had her gorgeous baby boy yesterday and she just texted me they took him to intensive care as he has problems breathing... He is 4 weeks and a bit premature. She must be so worried. I hope he gets better asap! I was a very premature baby in intensive care and I turned out fine and I think they have much better equipment now...

kkfairybrains · 28/04/2010 22:25

ah crap there goes that theory!so so curious to know what we're having!but stil want to wait for the surprise!a gypsy girl told me yesterday i was having a girl. was kinda weird she just randomly asked me when i was due and said its ba girl! oh well i'l just have to wait and see!

Jojobil · 28/04/2010 21:56

I have a boy and he likes the right

kkfairybrains · 28/04/2010 21:42

lol vik!!!!!!!!god your really getting things done aren't you! i need to make a list of odd jobs that need doing but i know they'll never be done. stuff like putting up mirrors and pictures that are sitting in front of where they're going but just never put up! and finishing off the painting and cleaning off paint from door handles since the last time painting was done! so annoying! would love to pay someone to come in foe a couple of days and get everything done and finished!
was reading up on the old wives tales and supposedly girls lie to the right and boys to the left?! i dont know what im having so dont know whether there could be anything behind it?

viksam · 28/04/2010 21:10

Blimey Becky u have done a lot today. And I thought I had been busy.
The plumber is finished, thank the lord, and the rooms are measured for carpet/vinyl and the decorator is booked in for a looksee for next week, the sooner we can get the room painted the sooner we can get the carpet down and I can get the cot delivered! Cant wait, feel like im being really impatient, but thats my perogative i think at the moment.
I know I am very lucky to be able to pay for a decorator but I know it would never get done if left up to DH, he currently works full time in a very demanding job and he also runs his own business in his own time, so time is a real issue.
KK ok ok we know it was ur idea...haha only joking!! I thought that was what u meant, yeah lets do it on the next thread!
Im really confused with my antenatal classes, i met a friend who is at the same hospital as me and she is doing these relaxation classes and hasnt been told about the classes im starting next week and I dont know about her classes, wierd or what! Im going to phone tomorrow and hopefully sort it out.
Hope everyone else is doing ok. xx

stac14 · 28/04/2010 20:57

hey ladies

dh Maybe better with gp as more background for you. No probs bout checking the position. I am just so nosey lol.

kk i didnt think that hun, i was just sayin cos it had been you that mentioned it initially lol. My lo is mainly on my right side strange were they get comfy

becky he wants ps3 games, clothes, footy boots and money lol I am shattered too, when i was at physio today there was a pic on the wall saying 29 to 33 wks your tired and uncomfortable which is very true lol


OP posts:
beckyg123 · 28/04/2010 20:37

Agh crap! just realised i stripped the bed this morning- need to make it up now- got no energy

beckyg123 · 28/04/2010 19:41

Hey girls, I'm shattered! Had a really busy day and just about to collapse in a heap!
Was working in morning, went to see my dad at lunch time, then physio exercise class, then friend came round and we took dog round the park then went to chinese supermarket, then realised i hadn't eaten much so had lunch, then decided the walls in the hall and front door were disgustingly dirty to scrubbed everything and hoovered stairs, kitchen, bathroom and then dog was sick so cleaned that up, just sat down with a bowl of cereal coz the thought of making dinner makes me want to cry and DH is at work til 10pm.

stac my driving is generally poor anyway! lol! but not got any worse for now- reverse parking is requiring a lot more concentration that usual though! Hope your DS has a good day tomorrow- what do 11 year old boys want as pressies these days?

regarding the way baby is lying- we were saying in the exercise class today that it would be so good to have a camera to see what way baby is lying! i seem to get kicked/punched in both sides of my pelvis at the same time! however i think baby spends most of its time on the left- don't know if this is coz i mostly lie on this side in bed.

jojo hope your friend got on ok today- must have been a bit of a shock for her!

kk my house looks the same! DH only painted the outskirts of our bedroom ceiling when we decorated- he "forgot" to do the rest it annoys me every night!

Jojobil · 28/04/2010 19:38

My one is always on the right too kk! I was thinking how odd and funny it is! He is apparently head down and all.

kkfairybrains · 28/04/2010 19:13

stac just realising the way that must have sounded bout the hospital list! came across like a big spoilt child THATS MY IDEA! not my intention at all!! ha ha! not even gonna try and explain it cos it'l prob come out worse!
just with dh talking bout what way her baby's lying,does anyone else find that the baby just lies to one side? mine is always on the right hand side and thats where i feel all the kicks and everythin

DesperateHousewife21 · 28/04/2010 18:59

stac no I saw a different midwife who was foreign plus she had a student with her and the whole appointment felt odd, like a nervous tension in the air so what Ill do is go to the docs (I need to go anyway to see about exzema on my hand) and Ill tell her about it.

Thanks for looking up what oblique means! I typed it in google but not alot came up about it or it was all in very technical terms which didnt make sense lol.

Also re lovefilm, they sent the correct amount of discs but for some reason this series only has 4 episodes instead of 6 on each disc.

stac14 · 28/04/2010 18:15

dh was being nosey bout oblique position it means baby is diagonal with head at either on left or right side of pelvis and the bottom at the opposite side at your ribs, transvers is lying horizontal across your tum. Hope that helps x

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stac14 · 28/04/2010 17:55

kk not having a party for ds, we're visiting family tomorrow and getting him a cake. He's more interested in pressies. Soz bout the list idea getting messed up but, we could start it on the new thread what do you think?

jojo let us know how your friend gets on. I'm sure you should be able to get a c-s.

dh did you talk bout how you have been feeling? I don't know what oblique means hun. Make sure you get in touch with lovefilm bout your missing discs x

OP posts:
DesperateHousewife21 · 28/04/2010 17:17

Hi ladies just popping in quickly to say I had my midwife appointment today and the baby is in an oblique position which Im not 100% sure about I think its similar to transverse.

Ive got to go back in 2 weeks instead of 3 because she couldnt measure the fundal height properly.

Im getting my hair cut tomorrow which Im really really looking forward to I havent had it done since Jan and its getting desperate! Then after that Im going round to see my friend again.

Ive just got sex and the city season 5 on dvd from lovefilm and its only got 4 episodes instead of 6, I feel cheated

Jojobil · 28/04/2010 16:51

I'll wait until Friday as she is in then apparently..

I also noticed my driving is a bit worse. I try to keep it to a minimum locally.

My friend who is 35 weeks texted me she is having a c-section today! She had a check up scan and baby is breech and there is no fluid so they are taking him out! She did not expect that at all. I hope al goes well and can not wait to meet little munchkin.

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