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Weezle and baby Matilda

26 replies

Weezle · 05/05/2005 16:26

Matilda was born on 27 April by elective c-section as she was breech. She weighed in at 7lb 2oz and must be bigger than that by now, judging by the amount she's been eating since then. She is absolutely beautiful and makes her M&D very happy, although her night time sleeping habits could do with some work, which is odd as she doesn't seem to have any problems in the daylight hours...

In the end, the op was far less scary than I had feared, although we were delayed by several hours, so I couldn't eat anything from 7am that morning until nearly 10.30 pm when the hosp staff decided that I could have 1 piece of toast. Could have eaten a horse by that point...

OP posts:
Yorkiegirl · 24/05/2005 15:28

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