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it's 12 weeks today since Steve died.

64 replies

onlyjoking9329 · 01/09/2008 12:09

I didn't think we would get throu the first few weeks to be honest, but we did and we got throu the 6 week school holiday. It has been a rollercoaster ride and there have been many many times when I have felt like giving up, but I haven't the kids are doing so very well throu all of this and they drive me to carry on drinking trying my best.
Steve will be very proud of how well the kids are doing.
The kids are back to school on Wednesday so I will be able to get some more crap paperwork sorted out, Tracy has taken the kids to pizzahut today so I can catch up on Mn sleep and get rid of this headache.
Thankyou for all your support over the last year I hope in time I will be able to support others as well as I have been supported.

OP posts:
fortyplus · 08/09/2008 14:08

lol at bumchin!

onlyjoking9329 · 05/09/2008 07:59

blimey they do look similar don't they, i found a photo the other day of elliot and steve and they look so alike they both have the same cleft in their chin , or bumchin as elliot calls it

OP posts:
fortyplus · 04/09/2008 17:16

oj Elliot and my ds1 could almost be brothers! I put a pic on my profile or there are new ones on FB

RubySlippers · 04/09/2008 08:44

aw - thinking of you and yours

onlyjoking9329 · 04/09/2008 08:41

Thanks bundle i have replied.

OP posts:
Imnotok · 03/09/2008 14:29

Thinking of you and the dc OJ

bundle · 03/09/2008 14:27

have emailed you, xxx

onlyjoking9329 · 03/09/2008 14:26

all fund raising ideas are good the mac nurses work so hard and are so lovely I want to be able to do this as. Thankyou from Steve and I.
not sure if I have your email still bundle and I am not near my pc at the moment am posting from my phone.
My email is. broadhurstfamily at ntl world dot com
An email with ideas for fundraising are most welcome, but please no more emails about how to increase the size of a body part that I niether have nor want.

OP posts:
WideWebWitch · 03/09/2008 12:11

Thinking of you OJ.

bundle · 03/09/2008 12:11

have you still got my email? send me your postal address if you have

mistlethrush · 03/09/2008 11:52

OJ have suggestion for helping you raise funds at your coffee morning - can I contact you (email?) somehow so I could give you some details and see what you think?

OhYouBadBadKitten · 03/09/2008 11:21

awww - lovely pictures - Elliott looks so smart.

onlyjoking9329 · 03/09/2008 11:20

Thanks, he does look pleased with himself and very grown up, he insists he will never ever have his hair cut.
bundle no i didnt find the squeeze song, it would be lovely if you could sent me a copy.

OP posts:
LilRedWG · 03/09/2008 11:17

Lovely pics OJ!

bundle · 03/09/2008 11:15

lovely pictures OJ - did you find the Squeeze track? let me know if not, happy to send you a copy xxx

onlyjoking9329 · 03/09/2008 11:13

i don't know what you mean BALD last night???
it was note to do wiff me honest
it made me laugh a lot, just from watching of course i wouldn't dream of joining in

OP posts:
BoysAreLikeDogs · 03/09/2008 11:10

Hurdel ??

Hurdle obv.

BoysAreLikeDogs · 03/09/2008 11:09

We had fun last night

Glad you have survived today's hurdel.


onlyjoking9329 · 03/09/2008 11:07

it was a tough morning Elliot is officially a senior school boy complete with blazer, he stays in his junior class for registration and a few other things then spends the afternoon in seniors, he looked very smart (see profile photos) i cried all the way home after elliot said he wished his dad could see him, i told him that his dad like me would be very proud.
the girls went off ok they looked smart too but abbey wouldnt let me take her photo.
well thats another hurdle out of the way.

OP posts:
yorkiemom · 02/09/2008 21:12

Hi OJ, Reading you post made me smile, and its fantastic to see that after such a sad time you still have your sense of humour!

You and your brave children are amazing, and Iwish you nothing but health ang happiness together.

ps I did the race for life last June, inspired by my dad, and I Will be doing it again next year, probably in memory of my lovely dad by then. Its an amazing experience, very emotional, but lovely.
I am totally unfit, just walked round with my sisters and 2 good friends.
If you can do it, then try, its a lovely day.

squeaver · 02/09/2008 14:54

OJ - look how many people's lives you and Steve have touched on here. It's amazing. And I've spotted you on cvq's threads. What a big heart you have.

TheDevilWearsPrimark · 02/09/2008 14:49

Thinking of you OJ, you really are an inspiration.

onlyjoking9329 · 02/09/2008 14:42

thankyou, i think we have no choice but to get on with it, ometimes that feels impossible and other times it is doable, i am still trying to get my head around it all and that is hard, i have a new status now and i don't really like it probably cos i didn't choose it, it chose me.

OP posts:
LackaDAISYcal · 02/09/2008 11:35

hey OJ

I think about you when I see your name in active convos.

Glad the DCs are doing well and that you are getting there; you are incredibly brave and strong.

ImnotMamaGbutsheLovesMe · 02/09/2008 11:29


I can't believe it is 12 weeks already.

I think of you often, especially when I having a really crap day and I make myself put things in perspective.

You are an inspiration to lots of us.

N x

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