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to lose and become a mummy

3 replies

russiandollface · 27/11/2007 14:19

hi - i just wanted to pass on my experience to some of you who may find yourselves in a similar situation; facing grief at the same time as the birth of a child. i lost my mum last year to brain/lung cancer. Mum was given 12 weeks to live but defied all odds and lived for a further 7 months. Finally she ran out of strength and died 2 weeks after my baby was born. Thankfully she was able to cuddle her and also wrote her a letter to keep from her grandma.

i guess my message is that if you find yourself in or facing a similar situation to have courage. It's been a very tough year and i miss my mum terribly but it has also been wonderful. A baby can make you smile even when you are at your saddest..believe that you will manage and the pain does get easier.

ps - just found out i am pregnant again .. i know mum would be very proud of our growing family!

OP posts:
nailpolish · 27/11/2007 14:29

my lovely MIL died a few days before my dd2 was born. i remember at the funeral i could feel small contractions, being very worried about telling dh, he was so confused at the time. my dd1 was only 2 years old at the time, she had brought dh and his mum together, they had kind of drifted apart. dh was so upset. the last thing he told his mum as she lay unconscious in bed was the name we had chosen for dd2

my warmest congratulations russiandollface on your new baby

numptysmummy · 27/11/2007 14:25

congrats,i know how bitter sweet it is.

LadySnotsalot · 27/11/2007 14:24

congrats lovely post

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