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How long till if death referred to coroner?

9 replies

897654321abcvrufhfgg · 20/12/2019 19:23

My DH wonderful mother died yesterday. My husband is struggling with his grief and feels the need to plan her funeral and is struggling with the fact he can’t do anything to help. How long could it be as it’s been referred to the coroner. I feel the need to prepare him for the fact that this could be a long process. Xx

OP posts:
Bigredumbrella · 20/12/2019 19:57

Sorry for your loss. Its pretty standard procedure and unless thers is something suspicious or out of the ordinary the Coroner will usually aim to release the body within 3 days

JuniperBeer · 20/12/2019 19:51

Coroner might open the case, adjourn, sign the interim death certificates and then schedule a date for the inquest. Round here that takes 5 months.

My sister died last Tuesday, her body had a post mortem Monday, was released Tuesday and her funeral will be 10th Jan we think; and that's only because of Christmas delaying things.

I wouldn't worry unless you have reason to suspect suspicious circumstances?

DecemberSnow · 20/12/2019 19:50

Really does depend , unfortunately

PixieDustt · 20/12/2019 19:48

Sorry for your loss

PixieDustt · 20/12/2019 19:48

With my uncles death it took about 7 weeks in total could have been longer as we didn't find out straight away that he died.
I think this was because they had to investigate the death aswell though.

ParkheadParadise · 20/12/2019 19:46

Sorry for your loss
Depends on the circumstances of the death.
In my dd's case it took several weeks.

FadedRed · 20/12/2019 19:44

Sorry for your loss Flowers
It depends on the circumstances of the death, but, as pp’s have said, unless there are suspicious circumstances, then there should not be much of a delay, That it is Christmas and New Year will be cause delays to funeral though, however your DH can start planning without a set date, take this time to consider choices and options.

ChristmasCroissant · 20/12/2019 19:40

Sorry for your loss.

If this is for a post-mortem that is usually pretty quick, if the coroner needs to hold an inquest there is usually a hearing to open and adjourn the case at which point they will issue a certificate you can use to plan the funeral.

I don't think it will take too long. He can plan the service, just not book it.

user1497207191 · 20/12/2019 19:34

Not long at all if her doctor will sign a death certificate having seen her fairly recently and there's a medical condition likely to cause the death.

When it was my MIL, her death was referred to the coroner and it was only 2 days before the coroner released her body, the GP had seen her about a week beforehand.

My father died unexpectedly and needed a post mortem, but even that was pretty quick, natural causes found and body released within a couple of days.

I think it's only when it's suspicious or the post mortem is inconclusive or gives cause for suspicion that it can drag on whilst investigations continue.

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