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bleeding at 7 weeks and scan showing 5 week foetus

3 replies

julsie · 28/02/2007 13:10

advice please- I am 7 weeks with my 3 rd pregnancy. had no problems before . Started bleeding on Mon brown at first and now red. No clots and slight back pain. Scan today showed only a 5 weeks sac and have to wait another week for another scan to find out for sure. I am definate on my dates so is this all doom and gloom?

OP posts:
squiffy · 28/02/2007 15:00

Keeping fingers crossed for you both. I had 7 miscarriages so know how traumatic it all is.

FWIW I now have a beautiful DS and new baby DD, and I had early scans for both of them which showed them as being 2/3 weeks small for dates, and with DD I bled as well. All around the 7/8 week mark, so there is a chance it will all be OK.


ravenAK · 28/02/2007 14:35

Hi Julsie, saw your thread yesterday...

I'm in pretty much the exact same situation - thought I was 7 1/2 weeks, started bleeding on monday, scan today showed 5-6 week sac. OTOH I'm fairly vague about my dates...

I'm feeling fairly pessimistic for myself - sorry I can't offer anything more helpful - just wanted to say hi & I'll be thinking of you & hoping everything's OK.

Muminfife · 28/02/2007 14:27

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