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How do you deal with bickering/arguing between siblings?

28 replies

kimlouiseb · 30/12/2009 17:35

My DS's are 3 and 5 and just seem to argue constantly at the moment. I know this is to be expected to a certain degree but it is driving me mad!

They can play nicely together for about 10 mins then it will kick off and all i get is 'Mummy, F did this ......' 'Mum, H pushed me' etc - to the point where I feel like sitting in my room with door closed and leaving them to it. They do love each other and are fiercely loyal if anyone else is concerned. They are also gentle, kind boys who always behave very well at school/nursery.

The eldest is getting better with not telling tales for every little thing and I am hoping that they will play better together as 3 yr old gets older and learns how to share, compromise etc.

But I could really do with some strategies for dealing with them now if anyone has any? Please for the sake of my sanity!

OP posts:
kimlouiseb · 03/01/2010 16:54

Thanks for all the feedback, and the strategies for dealing with it.

Jamieandthemagictorch -great ideas, I've heard of the wooden spoon being used within schools for discussions etc but would never have thought of using it with my kids.

It's made me realise that they're not actually that bad - obviously bickering is very common at this age.

OP posts:
Jamieandhismagictorch · 03/01/2010 18:47

The first time we did the wooden spoon thing, DS1 had a serious deeply-felt rant about the injustices meted out by DS2, I had my say, then DS2 (age 4) got hold of the spoon, put on a funny voice, and said "Hello, I'm Mr Spoon"

Certainly diffused the tension

Wirlies · 07/01/2011 07:32

Ok, I know this discussion is ended but I NEED HELP !! my DDs (7+4) are driving me demented !!! oldest one squeals ALL THE TIME when the little one comes near her. Little one is SO ANNOYING to her big sister.

I ignore ignore ignore but I'm just not going to stand for it. We do a lot of 'wooden spoon' type things (just to take it in turns to speak rather than family discussion) but surely there has to be some strategies for encouraging harmony ????

Any ideas, things that have worked well ?

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