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How do you keep a hat on a ten month old?

27 replies

Knakard · 24/10/2008 15:24

Just that really?

He hates having a hat on and shouts, squeaks and pulls it off, same with hoods or anything that goes over his head. Seems to get really wound up and genuienly upset if he cant get it off, so i think that may be a hat he cant get off isn't the answer, i really need to fix why he gets so upset.

Its getting really cold now and im worried about him getting colds and/or ear ache.

Any suggestion or links to products that work much appreciated.

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screamscreamstagger · 27/10/2008 09:23

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filz · 27/10/2008 09:24

from experience I can tell you that some babies will not keep a hat on whatever you try. I usually give up

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