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toddler climbing out cot

12 replies

billyog · 28/05/2008 13:37

my ds is 22mts and has just started climbing out of his cot, found him hanging on to the side last night and then this afternoon he sucessfully dismounted, with a bit of a thud! he wears a sleeping bag which i thought would would counteract this problem, obviously not. i wasn't planning to put him in a bed for a while yet but do i have any other choice??

OP posts:
Spoo · 28/05/2008 20:30

We had a few weeks of rapid return, but it worked in the end. Hard though.

whomovedmychocolate · 28/05/2008 20:27

DD did this at 15 months. We converted the cotbed into a bed and added bed rails and she finally started sleeping through the night. The first night was bloody awful though.

Nothing you can do once they develop the escapology habit (check you windows have locks as well!)

loopylollipop · 28/05/2008 20:25

so glad to have seen this, am having the same with my DS, just started this week - my only concern re putting him in a bed is he cries for a bit when he goes to bed anyway rather than go willingly and sometimes wakes in the night, so really can't imagine he'll stay there all night. Sorry to hijack but anyone got any tips on this?

Spoo · 28/05/2008 18:27

DS1 climbed out at 18months - moved him straight to a bed. DS2 is just 2 - no signs of moving out of cot yet.

Recommend you get a toddler bed and put up a bed guard to help him feel more secure in his new bed.

billyog · 28/05/2008 18:25

he's in a normal cot and am almost sure its on the lowest level, so it looks like i'ii be shopping for a bed tomorrow. thanks ladies.

OP posts:
Romy7 · 28/05/2008 14:25

no choice - unless you count waiting for him to knock himself out and having an A&E trip on your hands as a choice.

fizzbuzz · 28/05/2008 14:16

Yes, dd started this at 19mo. Now in bed and loves it

MuffinMclay · 28/05/2008 13:56

Moved ds1 to a bed at 18 months because he was doing that.

Good luck!

PinkChick · 28/05/2008 13:54

is it cot or cot bed? if its a cot i def would change to bed as dd used to do this and regulary jumped out herself!, hers was cot bed though so no cash to be spent.

Psychomum5 · 28/05/2008 13:52

sell him now....tis no point keeping them anymore once they start the climbing!!!

defective goods and all that......

mankymummy · 28/05/2008 13:43

dont think so unless you want to velcro him to the mattress !

i put DS in a bed for exactly this reason...

are you putting it off for any particular reason?

amidaiwish · 28/05/2008 13:41

not if it is on the lowest setting!
i had both my dds in toddler beds at 15 months, no problem!

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