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How long does your 16 month ish old sleep for in the day?

4 replies

Thankyouandgoodnight · 04/05/2008 22:00

Mine sleeps for 2.5 hours (I usually have to waker her then).

Goes to bed at 7 and wakes between 5:30 and 6:30am and unfortunately messing with her day time nap and or her bed time doesn't seem to change the early start.

OP posts:
MegBusset · 04/05/2008 22:07

DS is 14mo, goes to sleep at 8, wakes 6.30-7ish. (We moved his bedtime back from 7.30 as we were getting hellish early starts too.)

He naps for 1.5hrs from 12.30-2.

Piffle · 04/05/2008 22:06

snap nearly 14mth old naps for 2 in the morning bed by 7pm wakes between 6-7
We still get inconsistent night waking for breast usually once and the timing of that affects his waking time.

Tommy · 04/05/2008 22:03

my 14m old sleeps for about 2 hours on the morning, goes to bed about 7.15 ish and wakes at 6. Sometimes, he'l sleep for an hour in morning and another hour in afternoon instead of a long stretch.

I think early morning are just par for the course I'm afraid. DS1 has just started sleping a bit longer on the morning and he's 6

CrushWithEyeliner · 04/05/2008 22:02

2 hours usually in the morning

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