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22 month old won't join in

10 replies

partridge · 01/05/2008 09:10

Please tell me that I am not the only person with a toddler who refuses to join in 'group activities' like rhyme time, children's party entertainers and song time??

Since he could crawl he has always gone off and done his own thing, leaving me miming the actions to 'the wheels on the bus' on my own (by the way, he can do all the actions to all the common rhymes, and even sing some of the words/tune, but only in private).

We went to a party with 20 other kids yesterday and he was the only one climbing on all the furniture and running around the outside, while the other kids sat in rapt attention listening to the party entertainer.

He has an alright attention span, in that he will look at a book and listen to a story for about 20 minutes. He is also very sociable, and was happy to meet another naughty boy yesterday who he could run around with squealing. I would be so grateful if other people could tell me their experiences of toddler boys and reassure me that this is normal (if it is). He never, and I mean never, joins in any of these activities.

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partridge · 08/10/2023 10:38

God this is ancient! My son is now 17, just got straight As in his exams and is a lovely kid. He does have some social anxiety and probably autistic traits but nothing worth assessing and diagnosing - his main symptom is extreme procrastination and unwillingness to organise anything. He has a small, tight circle of friends whom he has a great time with, is incredibly funny, perceptive, gentle and empathetic. He is worried about the next phase of life and having to be independent and self starting but I do have faith in him and fundamentally he is just the coolest guy I know.

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Mohit1234 · 23/09/2023 20:48

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Pavlovthecat · 01/05/2008 12:37

...and like yours, DD is active, fearless, climbs, jumps, explores, never keeps still and does not like sitting for too long for cuddles etc!

I think its the age.

Pavlovthecat · 01/05/2008 12:36

My 22 month old is not bothered about mixing with other children either. She likes to do her own thing too.

She is interested in other children in that, she will watch them fascinated, for a bit, then if she is at nursery rhyme group, she usually finds someones bag/coat or other non child item to rummage through. Much more fun.

She is starting to participate with friend's children tho, one in particular who is 15 months older than her, she is starting to copy some of what he does and follow him a bit more, but only until she finds his trike

Chaotica · 01/05/2008 12:33

Sounds like my DD (and a couple of the other children at the playgroup we go to). She loves the songs and the actions when she wants to sing them though

partridge · 01/05/2008 12:03

thanks for the reassurance. he won't sit on my lap for a second though - he wants to be running round looking for trouble.

he does sing actually - bob the builder mainly. perhaps he is jaded as i have made him join so many groups!

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youngbutnotdumb · 01/05/2008 09:20

Just re read your thread there I swear it's like reading a story about my DS! .
Does your DS sing when he's walking around? My DS sing's to himself alot but he was quite a quick talker but a slow walker!

LittleMy34 · 01/05/2008 09:19

My two year old won't join in either - happy to sit on my lap and watch everyone singing and doing actions, but no joining in or getting up and doing actions!

Think some are just more independent than others

youngbutnotdumb · 01/05/2008 09:17


You are not the only one my 22 month old doesn't join in either he'll walk around singin and doin the actions but won't sit still he's just not into sitting around! Wouldn't worry about it all the other 2 year old's at DS'S nursery tend to want to run around too.

partridge · 01/05/2008 09:13

also, he is extremely active and physically fearless, but a bit slow on the talking.

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