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4 replies

mummyloveslucy · 19/03/2008 16:24

Hi, my 3 year old daughter has quite dark auburn hair, just below her sholders with a a fringe. I'm thinking about growing the fringe out before her hair get's too long and it'll take ages for it to become one length. At the moment her hair is quite thick and because it's quite dark the fringe seems to dominate her face.
I just wondered how to stop it going in her eyes. How bo get around that tricky stage of it being to long to leave and too short to tie back ? I want it to look nice and tidy. Does anyone have any tips for me ? Also let me know if you think I should leave it as it is for the moment.

OP posts:
mummyloveslucy · 19/03/2008 16:50

It would have to be slides as the little maddam poppet won't keep a head band in.

OP posts:
dustyeastar · 19/03/2008 16:47

When we did this with dd we used slides or a hair band.

mummyloveslucy · 19/03/2008 16:46

I think they might look a bit silly untill her hair grows a bit more as they'd be right at the front of her head. I could try little brown ones that arn't that noticable.

OP posts:
cazboldy · 19/03/2008 16:34

can't you just use slides?

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