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Have we got a boasty topic thread - can I show off anyway?

33 replies

RudolphCAM · 17/12/2004 18:57

I just feel like telling that dd age 7 in the last week passed her first (external) piano exam and also passed a swimming assessment to get put up a group at her swimming club (she had to do butterfly, backstroke, front crawl and backstroke perfectly).

OP posts:
RudolphCAM · 23/12/2004 18:30

Well done to your clever children Dannie - you're not menopausal just a Proud Mum (and justifiably so!)

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DannieTheMisanthropicReindeer · 23/12/2004 18:20

Can I come in here cos I'm feeling very miserable about Xmas and inlaws BUT both DS1 and DD got the class prize at the end of term. I went all weepy with pride when DD's teacher told me cos she's only just started in Reception and is still all tiny -- DD that is, not her teacher, who must think I'm a right menopausal old saddo
Loads of congrats to your DD, CAM.

RudolphCAM · 23/12/2004 17:44

Yes, you're right Yorkiegirl, I did immediately buy the Grade 1 book for dd and she's had a little practice already! Somehow I don't think piano is featuring strongly in her thoughts at the moment though!

OP posts:
MarsselectionboxLady · 23/12/2004 17:13

that's lovely. [soppy grin]

OldieMum · 23/12/2004 16:50

DD said 'I love you, mama' for the first time last night.

MarsselectionboxLady · 23/12/2004 16:22

Another thing to add.

DT2 has just cut his first tooth and attempted to take his first step today.

MariNativityPlay · 21/12/2004 12:30

Well done to all on here (get him signed for Bastia Youth Team Marslady and then you can all have free Corsican holidays), nice to see lots of accomplishments listed!

Yorkiegirl · 20/12/2004 21:13

Message withdrawn

prufRockingAroundtheXmasTree · 20/12/2004 21:09

Well done everyone - CAM - if you can't boast here where can you boast?

serenequeen · 20/12/2004 10:11

well done everyone!

Batters · 20/12/2004 09:32

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

MarsselectionboxLady · 19/12/2004 13:34

and so you should be!!!!!!!!!!!!

fisilhohoho · 19/12/2004 13:30

Well done, it's lovely to hear all these stories! JanH, I could have told you for free that your ds is a lovely young man! Well done - 97%!

Ds just did a wee in a potty and sat quietly listening to the story in church without me. Sounds like nothing compared to everyone elses' achievements, but I'm proud!

MarsselectionboxLady · 19/12/2004 12:46

Ok, more to add (remember I have 5 so could be on this thread a very long time.

DT2 can stand unsupported in the middle of the room and clap.
DT1 can walk around the room if pushing a stool or something
DS1 came home from school with a good note in his homework diary and 11 merits
DD1 tidied her room without being asked and helped DD2 to make Christmas decorations (believe me that's a miracle)
DD2 was fab in her nativity play and went to bed without complaint 4 nights in a row (hallelujah). She also got a certificate and badge for swimming 10m.

Starofbethlibbhem · 19/12/2004 12:34

I think a proud as punch thread is a great idea! I want to hear loads more. (DS is only 7 months so every little new thing leaves me proud)

I think it is high time we all blew our trumpets about our little ones! we spend so much time dealing with the worrying/guilt ridden stuff and not enough time praising our little ones - or ourselves . . .

RudolphCAM · 19/12/2004 12:00

Cor, thanks for the messages here. Well done to the other boys and girls for making their mums proud as well!
Yorkiegirl it was the prep test and the examiner wrote that dd is completely ready for Grade 1.

OP posts:
tigermoth · 18/12/2004 07:45

well done boys and girls.

Janh love the phrase 'he has finally grown into his mouth'.

I usually approach the checkout highly stressed if I am with my sons, so some calming and friendly talk from the checkout person is really appreciated.

moondog · 17/12/2004 20:31

Well done Baby Rudolph!!

TinselTamum · 17/12/2004 20:29

Well done everyone!

JanH's son is indeed a real gem. When I worry about having teenagers i think how nice he is and it cheers me up

JanH · 17/12/2004 20:14

Thank you, roisin!

No, he doesn't do shopping for me (though occasionally comes with me), but both of his sisters and I have worked on checkout already so he has a good idea of what's involved, and he just loves talking to people - perfect checkout material!

roisin · 17/12/2004 19:58

Oh great thread! Well done RC's dd - butterfly at 7, that's amazing!

Congrats to Marslady's ds!

And of course well done to Janh's fab ds1. I often find teenagers on checkouts unpleasant and unhelpful - so you've got a real gem there! (Maybe it's because they don't do supermarket shopping so don't understand the issues involved. Does he do your grocery shopping for you too?!)

JanH · 17/12/2004 19:53

And, sorry, well done to Cam's DD and Marslady's DS too!


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xmashampermunker · 17/12/2004 19:53

Hooray JanH! I was the same through school - lots of very/far too chattys on my school reports! DS is looking like he'll be the same - lots of sounds from very early (said mama at 24 weeks - bless him!).

JanH · 17/12/2004 19:51

Please can I join in? DS1 (16), who has been in trouble for talking too much (among other things) since he started in Reception, was Mystery Shopped in his checkout at Sainsburys and got 97% for being chatty, pleasant and helpful! He has finally grown into his mouth!

Hulababy · 17/12/2004 19:28

Oh and MSBL - well done to your DS too

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