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2 yeard old dd has the speech of a 3.5 year old....

5 replies

galaxy · 29/11/2004 12:23

we've just been told at her 2 year health check. We knew she hd excellent speech and everyone comments on it, but it's nice to have it confirmed.

She sung the Rainbow Song and the C Beebies good night song in perfect tune to the HV who welled up...I felt so proud. Just the lift I need at the moment.

OP posts:
joash · 29/11/2004 15:36

Fabulous galaxy, well done mum and DD

galaxy · 29/11/2004 12:43

LOL Blu. She already says "I want it and I want it now" then sees the cross look on my face and says "pleeeeease mummy" .

Well done to your dd dawnie - I was worrying about dd's lack of walking until she suddenly got up and walked confidently across the lounge at 17 months.

OP posts:
dawnie1 · 29/11/2004 12:25

thats lovely news.
I was welling up at my dd yesterday - just taking her first steps and she is sooooooo proud of herself that she claps her hands each time she takes 3 steps. Don't you just LOVE them

Blu · 29/11/2004 12:25

V pleased for you, Galaxy - she'll be saying 'I told you that ALREADY' with maximum attitude any day then?

amynnixmum · 29/11/2004 12:25

Well done both of you.

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