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13 months and not using any gesture

27 replies

Kstar321 · 28/03/2022 17:08

Hi all,

I have a beautiful little boy who has just turned 13 months. He’s not yet doing any kind of spontaneous gesture. He doesn’t wave or clap, despite me doing this all the time with him. He watches with interest when I wave and clap, but doesn’t even try to imitate me. In fact, he doesn’t really imitate me at all even with peekaboo, or making sounds etc. He is babbling, most just ba ba ba, and general sounds. Not walking but not far off. He is a happy baby, smiles and laughs and seems to enjoy being around family and other babies, comes to me for comfort etc but I can’t help but be a bit concerned around his lack of gesture and general lack of imitation. Is he just a late developer do you think? I will speak to my HV, but wondered what everyone else’s experiences of this kind of this were. Thank you :)

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Shoonki · 26/11/2023 18:13

Thanks I appreciate your response ♡

Amy5261 · 26/11/2023 14:59

Hello, nope absolutely no diagnoses and his nursery have no concerns about him 😊. At his 1 year health visitor he did score into the lowest zone on communication but by his one at 2 years 5 months he was up into the higher section and they were perfectly happy! Xx

Fruitynug · 26/11/2023 08:53

@Shoonki at 13 months my little boy didn't use any gestures at all, he didn't until around 16/ 17 months to be honest! He's now 19 months and he waves, points, claps, covers his eyes for peekaboo and high 5s! It pretty much happened over night. He's not diagnosed with anything or has been told he has any delays, some kids just take a little longer. Babies are very self centered and they aren't bothered about copying what you're doing sometimes 😂 hope this helps xx

Kstar321 · 26/11/2023 08:52

Hi all,

Sorry for delay in responding to this - my son has certainly caught up in terms of gestures etc and his language is also developing now. However in my case I still have my concerns, as do his nursery, around possible ASD. He’s incredibly bright, has a huge vocab for his age and can read many words at 2y9m, but can’t really have a conversation yet (there are other ASD traits that have come out as well, but quite mild). I’m not sure if the delay in using gestures was a marker for all this, but I do suspect so. But he’s a beautiful and happy little boy and I feel confidently, ASD or not, will get there in the end! I’m expecting another baby in Jan so I’m hoping that will help with his development as well :) xx

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Shoonki · 26/11/2023 05:35

Thanks Amy!
So your son didn't end up getting diagnosed with anything? Like, a developmental delay/autism etc?
Glad to hear !
Thanks :)

Amy5261 · 25/11/2023 03:42

Hello, my little one started verrry slowly introducing gestures at about 13 months. By age 2 he was pointing and waving but only had about 8 words, now at 2.5 he is talking non-stop in full sentences and a super sociable happy little boy - although writing this has made me realise that he doesn’t ever clap lol! Some babies just need a little more time, I’m sure they will get there 🥰

Shoonki · 24/11/2023 21:29

Hey :)
Wondering if there any update regarding your son? Was he diagnosed with anything?
Stressing about my own little 13 months old who has no gestures :(.....

Kstar321 · 14/08/2023 08:41

Hi - he’s doing much better, he will point and wave and clap (and give high 5s and blow kisses now). He definitely has a bit of a language delay, but his verbal language is coming along more and more each day too now :)

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mthrofflwr · 14/08/2023 02:10

@Kstar321 how is ur Lo doing

Fruitynug · 17/02/2023 18:40

Aww lovely to hear back from you and he sounds perfect! Sorry I came across the thread whilst doing some googling of my own worrying about my little one. It's tough isn't it!

Kstar321 · 17/02/2023 18:36

Thanks for asking. He’s two next week and still not pointing. But he’s communication js coming along and he’s the most gorgeous happy little chap.

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Fruitynug · 17/02/2023 15:30

How is your little one getting along now?

SS1983 · 04/08/2022 18:52

Same here , some days I am fine thinking my boy is doing so well and others where anxiety kicks in. Anxiety is horrible once the worry is in our heads !

pleased to here such progress , sounds like the little ones are coming along so well x

Kstar321 · 04/08/2022 18:11

Hi all,
my lo is coming along. No pointing, but he is now clapping and communicating a lot more through sounds and having a go at some words. I too I’m trying to stop stressing about it all which is easier said than done!

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Cluelessmum5 · 04/08/2022 14:21

Just wanted to throw my hat into the ring too. My LO wasn't doing much at all at his 12 month HV check and I was really worried. He's now just 15 months and can clap, wave, and point, acquiring all those skills in addition to walking in quite quick succession. He has no words, although his understanding is there. I honestly have days where I think what am I stressing about? And other days where I just feel quite gloomy about it all x

Amy5261 · 04/08/2022 11:18

my now 17 month old is now clapping, waving, pointing, will fetch books and teddies when asked, can point out his head, tummy, nose and feet. We have absolutely no words but I have just stopped worrying about him now, all children are different and he will get there in his own time and even if he does have ASD, I love him just the way he is so why worry about it 😌.
His first clap came at 13 months - he did 12 steps for the first time and then stood and clapped himself. If I hadn’t been filming his steps then I wouldn’t have believed it had happened! Pointing came at probably about 14-15 months and waving about a month ago.
Just stop watching and waiting and worrying and enjoy them being so tiny 🥰 xx

Mas05 · 04/08/2022 03:31

@Kstar321 hi any updates please?

Kstar321 · 28/05/2022 17:52

Hi, thanks for asking.

Not a lot of changes really in the gesture area. He’s doing a lot more things like bringing books over to me and will make my hands clap together when I sing songs that have clapping bits in them (like wind the bobbin up).

I’m trying to relax about it and if no changes by 18 months I’ll speak to my HV.

any updates from anyone else?

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glorycon · 28/05/2022 17:20

@Kstar321 any changes ? plz give update.

Kstar321 · 13/04/2022 19:44

Thanks for your responses all. My LO still isn’t using much gesture but he’s putting his hands up to be lifted more and doing a little bit of sound imitation here and there. Still have my concerns but trying to keep them in check a bit.

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Pigriver · 13/04/2022 19:05

Could be something and also could be nothing. They are still really young. My DS never waved or clapped, never copied words and barely talked until almost 3. He just wasn't a copier. He's now in year 1 and no concerns in that department. They will do it in their own time and if you have no other concerns I wouldn't worry too much. If there are other things too then a chat to the HV might help

preggers3 · 04/04/2022 18:59

I had same concerns as you. My DS’s gestures really kicked in around the 13mo mark. Waving, clapping, etc. Some of his friends same age were doing that at 9mo, others later. While they were working on their communication, mine was working on walking. Sounds like your DS is probably really focused on walking right now if you said he’s on the verge- a milestone like that takes a lot of focus so he probably is just not focused on communication right now and gestures will come later…. My DS’s gestures came right after he started walking. Think 15 mo and 18mo are the markers for gestures.


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SS1983 · 03/04/2022 21:55

I’ve posted on here a few times with worries re my son. Although he is just a little bit younger , I wanted to say a lot of his gestures just came suddenly. Around 12 months he suddenly started waving and clapping. I still worry as he doesn’t point, doesn’t always show etc, but hopefully just to reassure that few things did suddenly happen, he waves at everything at the moment

He didnt babble until past 10 months either. So I’ve always had worries. I’m sure I will continue to worry, but sometimes these things just happen, or they stop esp when he is concentrating on a motor skill like walking etc

MummaLeonax · 31/03/2022 10:05

im currently having the same situation with my 11month old and starting to worry abit too, so I empathise with use both and hope we all get some advice soon 😇x

Kstar321 · 29/03/2022 20:20

Thank you for replying - yes hopefully someone will have some words of wisdom! My little boy was also super clingy around the time I went back to work, but it’s passed now and daddy is flavour of the month at the moment!

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