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terrible wotsits

10 replies

DelGirlsRingAreYouListening · 16/12/2007 18:44

just need an ear, some empathy, some suggestions, somewhere to run too

dd is 2.8, can you guess what's coming? For about a month we have had a very stressful time of it. I'm on my own with her. We were away on holiday a month ago and her behaviour was not good. Came home and it transpired that she had a virus which was awful and she very very poorly so that explains that one. I know the reason for her behaviour now but please see the 1st paragraph! She was just getting better and then as (my) luck would have it, I broke my foot and am in plaster and on crutches. We go away again on Sunday but we're going away with my lovely bro & sil so that should keep me sane, I hope. Anyway, since I broke my foot i've not been able to get out much. I think twice in 2 weeks and i;ve got cabin fever. dd on the other hand has still been able to go to nursery as a member of staff has been picking her up and bringing her back. I'm certain her behaviour is down to the change at home and the fact that I can't take her out and to nursery but i'm exhausted with her and feel so sad about it. Every word she says is no, doesn't do anything I ask her to or not to more to the point and it's soul destroying. I have another month of being in plaster and i'm dreading it. The thing I get wound up about most is if she's up to mischief and could hurt herself and I can't run to her easily. I have to tell her no so many times it just falls on deaf ears. I try and ignore whenever possible but it's not often. Don't know why i'm writing this really but I feel very deflated by it all and can't see and end to it just yet and feel her behaviour is because of me . thanks if you've read this far

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DelGirlsRingAreYouListening · 16/12/2007 19:38
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justaboutintimeforchristmas · 16/12/2007 19:37

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DelGirlsRingAreYouListening · 16/12/2007 19:35

I just have to try and stay calm I guess and ride it out. thanks

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justaboutintimeforchristmas · 16/12/2007 19:30

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DelGirlsRingAreYouListening · 16/12/2007 18:59

is it really? i'm not being funny either just that she's always been lovely, the change in her can be hideous and it makes you feel as if this is how they may turn out heaven forbid. This weekend is never that great for me, I keep hoping that next week it'll improve. Yesterday would have been late dh's birthday and tomorrow would have been our 7th wedding anniversary!

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DoesntChristmasDragOn · 16/12/2007 18:56

Her behaviour is mainly because she's 2.8.

(I did think you were maybe having trouble with a bag of cheesy flavoured maize sticks )

DelGirlsRingAreYouListening · 16/12/2007 18:54

lol, just read your post again about putting my foot down lol

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DelGirlsRingAreYouListening · 16/12/2007 18:53

I know I need to let some of it go but on the other hand, I don't want to create more problems. I just have tomorrow to get through which sounds so awful doesn't it, it makes me cry to think like that. Then just Friday & Saturday, then we're away for a week. Hopefully 2 weeks into the new year, i'll be able to drive again and I plan on doing a lot more with her.

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justaboutintimeforchristmas · 16/12/2007 18:47

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DelGirlsRingAreYouListening · 16/12/2007 18:45

sorry for such a big paragraph!

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