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a cheering story for parents of fussy eatrs

86 replies

ImNotInterestedInYourKids · 28/09/2007 09:30

afetr two weeks int he land of steak frites dssnsees ds2(onfussy) eating steak

this is the boy who hates real meat( aart rom baconand lightly fried chicken strips) hates roast meals etcetc

sees ds2s steak.....

"that looks nice"

tries it
has had his first sirloin steak, thin cut, grill panned

FANTASITC! next stp roast beef. have nticed that this seems to be the way he starts wiht new food - he saw ds2 eatingan omeltte once at John lewis( now the dream job - being hte omleett man JL) nd then seems to want to ty it

I STILL maintian that he will LOVE food wen he is older as he has a relaly pronounced snese of taste

OP posts:
codswallop · 28/09/2007 13:35

oh god
YOULL be in therapy soon too

Mercy · 28/09/2007 12:32

lol- your mum sounds a real hoot! (was thinking about your mum on hte tannoy story the other day)

codswallop · 28/09/2007 12:27

were going skiining
lived in germany
drove to austria

put beans in boot in moon boots

were forzen

Mercy · 28/09/2007 12:26

I can really relate to many of these stories!

But cod, can you please explain the baked beans in the moon boots, I don't understand?!

tortoiseSHELL · 28/09/2007 12:24

one here
another here
and another
and another

law3 · 28/09/2007 12:21

thanks tortoise much appreciated

flatmouse · 28/09/2007 11:57

DD keen to help with cooking. Last Christmas we made poncy Nigella pancakes for breakfast. She loved helping make them - but wouldn't attempt to try them.

tortoiseSHELL · 28/09/2007 11:55

law - I really will try and dig out some old threads - ds1 was FAR worse as a toddler than he is now, although still bad now. He is also very very skinny, and as a toddler was positively skeletal, so they do improve.

flatmouse · 28/09/2007 11:54

For my "eat anything" DS, i feel it was all down to understanding the moral of Green Eggs and Ham. Although he would more or less try anything, if every he was being fussy we only had to discuss the book and he'd try it.

DD not shown any interest in Dr Seuss.

saggarmakersbottomknocker · 28/09/2007 11:53

I'm barfing here remembering dd's beige phase. She lived on Heinz tinned Macaroni cheese for months. I couldn't open the tin because it made me bleurgh.

TheArmadillo · 28/09/2007 11:52

ROFL at the under the table story

I used to get so worked up about ds. Now I take a more relaxed attitude.

codswallop · 28/09/2007 11:51

i yearn for tuna

saggarmakersbottomknocker · 28/09/2007 11:49

Take heart cod - it's tinned only!

codswallop · 28/09/2007 11:48

oh fark orf wiht ya tuna!!!

saggarmakersbottomknocker · 28/09/2007 11:47

I have a 'discerning eater' too.

Meeely2 · 28/09/2007 11:39

This thread has really put my DT's eating in perspective, I get very wound up leading up to a weekend when i know i got to cook for them (they at nursrey full time and eat perfectly there).

I thought they were horrendous eaters but it appears not, they try most things but its the volume of what they eat that worries me....scared silly i was starving them, but i think i'll just take a deep breath and let them get on with it - they are 2.8 btw.....

have any of you with the fussy's tried eggy bread? mine love it.....

law3 · 28/09/2007 11:38

The thread was a CHEERING story for fussy eaters, im sounding more like a nightmare

Thought i might find some inspiration, so id better stop moaning

tortoiseSHELL · 28/09/2007 11:37

my brother lived on mince and mashed potato. He is now veggie!

codswallop · 28/09/2007 11:37

yes my brother too.
odd eh?

specialmagiclady · 28/09/2007 11:36

My younger brother ate only sausages and weetabix as a child. He's 6'3", very fit and sporty, built like a brick s*house and is now VERY into food. Likes cooking, tries anything. But it really took until his twenties before he got adventurous!

codswallop · 28/09/2007 11:36


tortoiseSHELL · 28/09/2007 11:35

I've come home in an evening to find ds1 sitting under the table with dh, both of them LIVID, ds1 saying he won't eat his tea, dh saying he won't leave 'under the table' till he has


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codswallop · 28/09/2007 11:33

we need harpsy
her dd is fussy

codswallop · 28/09/2007 11:33


you make me larf wiht karma

codswallop · 28/09/2007 11:32

0lol at crying
i ahev thrown food across room in anger!

he cooked ds2 an omlette today and ds3 complained baout the cheese

ds1 got a taste of his own medicine

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