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14 months - nicks other babies toys and food....

5 replies

herbgarden · 26/08/2007 22:22

14 month old ds has a habit of cruising the room nicking other childrens toys. If they have something he wants it (and what he has too) - what age do they really understand? He also goes round nicking their snacks which is a pain as I give him a small snack but not too much or else he's not interested in dinner/lunch but it seems unless I give him one at the same time he swipes their food....
Is this going to get worse? How do I handle it??

OP posts:
meandmy · 26/08/2007 22:38

my dd who 14.5mo does this too he just doesnt know about sharing its a big one to learn

fawkeoff · 26/08/2007 22:35

yeah dd was much worse than ds, i think its because you just give him what he wants and there is only him, its natural for him to think everything is rightly just have to keep taking things off him and learn him the word NO x

herbgarden · 26/08/2007 22:33

he is my first, yes....a friend was over last night - my ds goes to nursery and her dd (same age)is looked after by a nanny. He seemed like a big bully in comparison - he's very cheeky and cute unfortunately - but she cried every time he did it and nicked whatever she had. The girls (babies) in the ante natal are always offering up their food to him and he always nicks it (and begs for anyone else's who is eating at the time) ....

OP posts:
TheArmadillo · 26/08/2007 22:24

just keep taking them off him, giving them back and saying no.

Not much else you can do at this age and he will grow out of it eventually.

fawkeoff · 26/08/2007 22:23

is he an only child??? he is just at the age wher he thinks everything is rightly just need to take it back off him and say no, he will start to understand x

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