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4 year old behaviour

4 replies

swizzells2003 · 27/09/2019 19:33

So, my DS started school at the beginning of September and his behaviour has become terrible ...... he hits, kicks, punches and throws his toys. He says he hates us, calls us stupid, idiot and laughs if we say those words are cruel.

We've tried time out, taking toys, talking to him and ignoring him.

I get that starting school is a big change but has anyone else experienced this?? Please tell me it's just a phase and it'll settle down

OP posts:
BedraggledBlitz · 29/09/2019 21:38

Ah that makes sense my DS is also quiet and shy. He gets to unleash his dark side at home!

thatsmyumbrella · 29/09/2019 19:58

Can't really offer any help but we are going through the same with my dd. Started school in August she really struggled to settle it's getting easier getting her in teacher says she is great at school but her behaviour at home has been awful constantly talking back tantrums telling us she hates us etc I think for in my dd case she is very quiet and shy at school does everything she's told so feels safer at home to basically let out all her anger and frustration. Just hoping it gets easier soon!

swizzells2003 · 29/09/2019 15:01

It makes me feel better that it's not just us. DS was at nursery too so shorter days at school - I think you might be right, others kids behaviour plus tired plus new environment is adding up to this.

I have been dreading weekends but (fingers crossed) today hasn't been bad ...... there's still time though!

OP posts:
BedraggledBlitz · 28/09/2019 16:58

Week 3 of school for us and my DS is similar. He hates me apparently. He's never been physically angry before, since school I've been punched and scratched.

He was at nursery previously so I didnt think school would be a huge leap.

My friend suggested he might be picking up on other kids behaviour from playground etc. I bloody hope it's a phase cos my weekends have been abysmal.

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