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Getting rid of dummy/sleep

3 replies

Nikster11 · 04/03/2019 06:00


My daughter is 19 months old and has been getting more and more attached to her dummy recently and so we threw them all away 3 days ago.

She has coped amazingly without it, however she is struggling to get to sleep for her daytime nap in her cot (but I can always take her out in the car or pram to help her get to sleep) and also keeps waking up at 430 every morning and can't get back to sleep.

Any ideas/tips on how to help her settle for her naps/sleeps, particularly at 430 in the morning.


OP posts:
JiltedJohnsJulie · 09/03/2019 15:19

Glad she's sleeping better at night for youSmile

Nikster11 · 09/03/2019 12:03


Didn't find a solution as such, but she just started to sleep better in the night after about 4 days. She's now waking up at about 6 in the morning again, which is great.

She is struggling a little bit with the day time naps, so I'm just taking her out in the pram to get her to sleep.


OP posts:
JiltedJohnsJulie · 09/03/2019 09:11

Have you managed to find a solution yet Nikster?

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