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'bandy' legs or old wives tale?

8 replies

cathcart · 30/04/2007 19:46

my 3 month old is wanting to stand up a lot, taking all her weight and just holding on to our hands. is this ok or is there any truth in the old wives tale?

OP posts:
chipmonkey · 30/04/2007 22:19

MIL used to say my cloth nappies would give ds3 bandy legs. This from a woman who MUST have used terries and plastic pants!

Hulababy · 30/04/2007 21:54

DD always loved to be on her feet, taking her own weight, from a very early age. She is a little bit pigeon toed (she's 5 now) but then so is her daddy and her grandad (DH's dad - although seems to have been corrected after his hip replacement!) so runs in family. Other than that she is perfectly find with no problems with her legs or hips, or indeed her walking and movement.

RedLorryYellowLorry · 30/04/2007 20:42

Dd used to do this and has a lovely pair of legs . Dh's aunt used to tell me off but am sure i read somewhere it was fine.

fortyplus · 30/04/2007 20:39

Have you ever noticed that loads of toddlers have bandy legs? It's just the natural shape of the legs for very young children and they soon straighten up once the child has been running around on them a while!

You certainly won't make legs bandy by allowing your dd to have fun trying out 'standing'.

cathcart · 30/04/2007 20:30

thankyou! its been niggling in my mind even though i tell myself i'm not one for old wives tales. I'll tell dd!

OP posts:
REIDmylips · 30/04/2007 20:05

my ds has been taking his own weight since he was 3-4 months too. I had the same worries tbh, although we didnt stop him from standing. He is now on his feet more than he's on his bum (although he shows no signs of crawling when lay on his tummy and he 8 months now)

lillochum · 30/04/2007 20:03

My understanding is that this is an old wives tale. Some cultures really restrict a babies movement under a year, but I don't think any of the medics in this country discourage it. I wonder if the cultural anti has any connexion to clicky hips. My three all wanted to stand up when they were tiny and none of them have bandy legs! DD1 had clicky hips mildly, but this was deemed congenital, possibly from me as I was borderline clicky hips apparently, it was kept under surveillance and corrected with a splint. I don't think there was any actual connection with her keeness to stand up early, and none of the medics she saw ever suggested discouraging her.

Daisybump · 30/04/2007 20:02

My DS started doing this at an early age and he has knock knees...but then again so do I. I think its more hereditary then anything....but I'm not a doctor so don't quote me on that....

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