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Toddler nail cutting

26 replies

peaceloveandbiscuits · 23/02/2017 11:12

I'm at a complete loss as to what to do about cutting my toddler's nails, both fingers and toes. He's been absolutely terrified of having them done for around a year now (he's just 2y2m). Before that I would do them when I breastfed him and he'd let me do whatever while he slept.
His toenails are overgrown and I live in fear of him catching one and pulling the whole nail off, or them becoming ingrown. His fingernails are like kitten claws, and since he loves tickling people, I know he's going to hurt someone (probably me) soon. I get comments from my friends about the length of his nails, as though it's a fashion statement or something!
Every few months DH and I have to pin him down together and wildly cut them while he thrashes and screams. This is last resort and I hate doing it. He cries so hysterically that he gets broken blood vessels on his face, it is heartbreaking.
I've tried a gentle approach with sweeties and stickers and distraction, letting him choose the nail we do, letting him "cut" my nails or teddy or baby doll's nails. Nothing works.
He's exactly the same with hair cuts, has to be pinned down while the poor hairdresser does her best.
I just don't know what to do. I worry that every time I pin him down and just go for it, I'm perpetuating the fear he has, because it's a horrible experience for everyone.
People suggest doing it in his sleep, but I just can't risk waking him up, and him being too traumatised to ever sleep again!

OP posts:
Calphurnia · 23/02/2017 21:45

That's why you do it one per night!

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