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Any suggestions on how to 'persuade' ds (2.5) to stay in his bed past 05:00???

31 replies

MrsBigD · 26/02/2007 12:04

without physically tying him to the bed or locking his bedroom door?

He has started coming into our bed as well during the night, but I think that is partially due to moving and partially due to him getting a bit cold at night. We now turn his little radiator on and he only wanders in once around 01:30. However, come 05:00 he's wide awake, climbs into our bed and wants to play. We've tried putting him back into his bad with very stern 'go back to sleep' or such but to no avail. DH is loosing his tempter and will be migrating to the sofa!


OP posts:
Eleusis · 26/02/2007 16:27

Yep. Have you?

She goes to nursery now (attached to primary) so that made the invitations really easy as I just went down the class list.

FluffyMummy123 · 26/02/2007 16:07

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FluffyMummy123 · 26/02/2007 16:07

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piglit · 26/02/2007 16:07

At what age can you start using the clock? Ds1 is 2.3 - is he too young? And he has black out blinds in his room so he wouldn't be able to see the clock anyway....

Eleusis · 26/02/2007 16:02

Oh glad to hear it's improving.

And as I recall my DD and your DS3 are exactly the same age (to the day).

FluffyMummy123 · 26/02/2007 16:00

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Eleusis · 26/02/2007 13:41

How is his eye?

FluffyMummy123 · 26/02/2007 13:40

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Eleusis · 26/02/2007 13:40

Ha, see. Cod agrees with me. Take him back EVERY time.

Cod, I think your boys might be smarter/older than my kids. (actually as I recall your number 3 is exactly the same age as my nuber 1, so perhaps they are cleverer)

FluffyMummy123 · 26/02/2007 13:35

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Eleusis · 26/02/2007 13:29

My kids are not always well controlled. But it doesn't keep me from trying.

You could always lock YOUR bedroom door.

MrsBigD · 26/02/2007 13:26

Thanks everybody

Eleusius... you're not just junk food gestapo you're plain gestapo... I've seen you with your kids! I admire that you can control them so well Me I'm a big fat softie.

The 'straight back to bed' doesn't quite work. I think he then comes in deliberately just to get a cuddle whlist being carried back. Have to carry as there's no way he'll walk... he does a very good impression of wet potatoe sack iykwim

shall discuss options with dh... we shall see which model he understands and then we go for that one

OP posts:
Eleusis · 26/02/2007 13:24

Oh, I like that one. My thick DD could comprehend that.

liquidclocks · 26/02/2007 13:14

I was thinking about getting this one... don't know if it will help though

Astrophe · 26/02/2007 13:04

so you get an extra 3 hours of a weekend then???

waaaay too complicated for me!

Eleusis · 26/02/2007 13:02

And too complicated for Astrophe!

(think you are supposed to watch the hour hand)

Eleusis · 26/02/2007 13:02

Sorry, but I think that colour clock is a tad complicated for a 2 year old.

Astrophe · 26/02/2007 13:01

Not sure if I am understanding the colour clock, but doesn't it mean you only get 15 minutes extra sleep of a weekend?

MrsBadger · 26/02/2007 12:59

and she has fins of course

Astrophe · 26/02/2007 12:58


FluffyMummy123 · 26/02/2007 12:55

Message withdrawn

IdrisTheDragon · 26/02/2007 12:54

I think she's saying the colour clock is LOADS better.


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Astrophe · 26/02/2007 12:52

Cod, c'mon, I might want to google whatever it is you're trying to tell us...write in english woman!

Eleusis · 26/02/2007 12:51

Can someone decode Cod's message for me. I swear that woman must have no fingers.

FluffyMummy123 · 26/02/2007 12:50

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