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Okay, I either need a fix for this issue, or, I need good suggestions as to how to put DS on ebay

49 replies

VeniVidiVickiQV · 19/02/2007 22:06

In the morning, he keeps taking his nappy off, and throwing and possibly eating (but cant confirm it and have no real wish to) his poo.

Clearly this is not good for anyone. So - how do i fix?

No solutions = thread in ebay asking how to list DS successfully.

So, its in your hands....

OP posts:
Califrau · 20/02/2007 00:11

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Califrau · 20/02/2007 00:12

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ShinyHappyPeopleHoldingHands · 20/02/2007 00:16

Backwards all-in-one sleep suits VVV. Believe me, I am very old (and pooey!) handed at this. Bleuuuurrgghhhhh

chocolatebirdy · 20/02/2007 00:20

DD did this all the time and would spread poo all over wall!! Had to resort to tape but she just reached in the side and got it out! And even if no poo there just wees she would yank between legs and rip to shreads! Was just a phase though. And not sure if this having anything to do with it but she was dry by 2?!

nearlyfourbob · 20/02/2007 00:21

Inside out and back to front gro bag, parcel tape on nappy, and crossed fingers.

newlifenewname · 20/02/2007 00:25

Not capable of links but for your bemusement or amusement..

VeniVidiVickiQV · 20/02/2007 00:38

Ah, yes, back to front THATS a plan!!!

Am heartened to hear its just a phase....

Thanks all.

OP posts:
hunkermunker · 20/02/2007 10:55


VeniVidiVickiQV · 20/02/2007 12:59

Well, I think good news. He was still in his growbag and nappy and pyjama bottoms still on.

There was no poo in his nappy.

I am hoping that this is because he just didnt do one this morning, and not because he felt a bit peckish...

OP posts:
JillyBeansNW · 20/02/2007 13:10

Oh VVV - pmsl at peckish

hunkerlemonandsugarmunker · 20/02/2007 18:14
wheresthevalium · 20/02/2007 18:30

My DD1 did this, I do sympathise, it is awful

We basically switched from disposable nappies to cloth (the reason being that DD2 arrived and the nappies fitted them both). I have to admit that the velcro outer plus nappy nipper helped slow things down a lot.

smittenkitten · 20/02/2007 19:47

oh, bleurgh! I have all this to look forward to (DS is 8 mnths). Must crack on with my range of "baby for sale.....or free to good home" - i'm convinced they'll be best sellers!

ComeOVeneer · 20/02/2007 19:54

QV we had this with dd (ds not yet and hopefull never). 2 things we tried (an worked) were back to front grobag and using a safety pin (the child safe nappy ones, not sue if they still do them it was an old one of mine my mum gave me) trap the zipper pully onto the fabric of the grobag so he can't unzip it. That stopped the cave painting in its tracks

liquidclocks · 20/02/2007 20:23

VVV, my sympathies! DS1 took his nappy off around a month or so ago and used his poo to make mountains, landslides and mud on his (wooden) thomas train set. I was not best pleased to spend my entie morning cleaning poo off his trains.

I told him very quietly that if he EVER took his own nappy off again then Thomas would be going away down the loo with his poo...

So far no repeat....

Hope your's develops a similar atachment you can use as a threat for getting good behaviour at some point - it works great!

Piffle · 20/02/2007 20:25

if you stop feeding him, he won't poo
problem solved!

QueenDave · 20/02/2007 20:25

Not keen on cloth - am hoping to get rid of nappies altogether some time in the future [hopeful]

Pegging the zip is a good plan COV

LC - DS seems to derive intense enjoyment from being contrary so I dont know if that would work.

funnypeculiar · 20/02/2007 20:27

pmsl at this thread ... we sometimes discussed changing ds's name by deedpoll to e-baby

bambi06 · 20/02/2007 20:30

instead of the girls swimsuit put a girls leotard on as they hav elong sleeves and he wont be able to pull his arms out as well plus the back to front napy and you can get those gripper attachment thingies tha thold their vests a the front and back to hold hem down and they go under the crotch..

Kif · 20/02/2007 22:46


slim22 · 21/02/2007 07:07

Have you considered little houdini might be ready for potty training?????

Whoooosh · 21/02/2007 07:13

Mittens taped to his wrists?


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QueenDave · 21/02/2007 10:31

Slim, id think that if he didnt just do it first thing in the morning in his cot.

Which he did AGAIN this morning

I think DP has come around to the idea of putting his grobag on back to front now

hunkerdave · 21/02/2007 13:14

Oh, the little... Grr!

Handcuff him.

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