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What to do with baby that just will not be calmed?!

26 replies

MyBreadIsEggy · 18/12/2016 21:02

I'm at the end of my tether with my almost 9 week old DS Sad
He is horrendous. I've never known a baby like it. My DD was never like this and I'm at a loss as to what to do!!
He screams. Not just a bit of crying that escalates. I mean he goes from quiet content, to hysterical screaming that cannot be stopped within a millisecond. Evening are the worst. Tonight he's been screaming hysterically since around 6:30pm and is still going now. He is to the point where he's so exhausted he can't even cry properly!!
We know he has CMPA and reflux, but both of those issues are under control with medication and Neocate formula. So far we've tried:
-Changing nappy

  • Lying down with him
  • Walkingn around with him
  • Putting him in his Moses basket
  • Putting him in the sling
  • Putting him in a bouncer

-Checked temperature
  • Given calpol just in case
  • Infant massage

I've heard about babies with colic before, but experiencing a baby who screams hysterically and will not be calmed by anything for hours on end is genuinely horrific.
Any ideas as to what else I can try? What I could be missing? Or is it just a case of letting him crack on until he's finished? I'm reluctant to do the latter, but in a way it's what we've done anyway, not out of choice but because he just screams and screams no matter what we do to try and soothe him Sad
I already took him to the hospital a few weeks ago because of this. I was worried he was really ill or something, but the paediatric consultant checked him over and said other than the reflux, he's is medically 100% healthy!
OP posts:
MyBreadIsEggy · 19/12/2016 19:19

MedicMama Yes he naps really well!! He's only really happy in a sling, so I feed him, change him, have a little bit of awake time, then he's back in the sling, usually fast asleep within a couple of minutes!
It's honestly just like it hits 6:30pm and something in his brain switches into devil mode Blush it's almost 6:30pm to the exact minute every evening!!

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