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Following on from Groundhog Day thread...there is a light at the end of the tunnel!!

5 replies

climbingrosie · 17/02/2007 21:17

My DS is nearly 4, and I'm begining to realise that a lot of the really difficult stuff is over and a lot of the things that used to be real issues when DS was a toddler are no I just wanted to let all the mums out there struggling with a baby, or with a 2 year old (which I found much more challenging than the baby stage! ), it does get better!! ...and then you reap the benifits of all your hard work.

Some examples of life getting better:

  1. I can leave my luxury shampoos and bath stuff on the side of the bath and DS doesn't empty it into the bath or sink! yay

  1. I can leave my work up on the computer and he will not shut it down on type onto it, he will minimise it and open his own document.

  1. I can leave my make-up out in my bedroom without him finding it and destroying it!

  1. I can reason with him (the downside to this is he can also reason with me!lol)

  1. He can follow most instructions so can do little errands and jobs around the house for me quite well.

  1. He sleeps through the night and knows not to wake me before 7 (I never thought I'd see the day this happened a year ago!)

  1. Shelves and cupboards are not randomly emptied and the contents strewn all over the floor any more (thank goodness!)

I'm sure there are loads more examples other people have! Now I believe all those people with older childre who said "it will get easier"
OP posts:
hk78 · 20/02/2007 01:00

crikey climbingrosie your ds sounds like a real bright spark, dd2 is 4 as well and still does all those annoying things in your list! i'm happy for you but i'm still waiting!

climbingrosie · 17/02/2007 21:59

Lol Raggydoll, what's a power arm? Does he wrap his arm in toilet paper?

OP posts:
Raggydoll · 17/02/2007 21:37

good news for us mums of toddlers and babies or both as in my case. Can I assume this also means ds will stop emptying full toilet rolls because he "needs" a new power arm!!

climbingrosie · 17/02/2007 21:33

Yeah hogging the computer grrr. Although I have to hand it to him, his negotiating skills are very good and what can I say when he says sweetly "mummy, it's my turn now, you have to share and let others have a turn, and you've been on for aaaaggges! Please can I have a go, that would be good sharing"

OP posts:
Kbear · 17/02/2007 21:26

I couldn't agree more. Although starting school brings a whole raft of other issues! And they want to hog the computer when I want to MN!

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