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Any tips to stop my DD climbing up and standing on the table?

29 replies

TeeCee · 11/02/2007 10:13

We have a big ole kitchen table with 6 chairs and 2 triptrapp highchairs.

DD2 is 14 months old. She keeps pulling out a chair, climbing onto it and then climbing onto the table. We're usually around to take her off, but she'll just start again and I'm a little concerned about forgetting and having something sharp or hot on the table or of not being in the same room and her falling.

I already found that she pulls her sisters potty over to the loo and climbs up and stands on the loo seat, arms in air shouting "hooray!" and she's permantley standing ont he windowsill in the front room banging on the window and shouting with excitment but at least if she was to fall she'll fall back ponto the sofa.

OP posts:
displaced · 12/02/2007 01:45

Can you fix the chairs in place with a bungee or similar? I know people who did that so they couldn't be pulled out and used for climbing?

Anisse · 11/02/2007 23:54

Trees even!

Anisse · 11/02/2007 23:54

Lol at massively excited 14 month old.

My dd10yrs STILL climbs bloody everything in sight, tress bus stops wwhatever is in her path. No advice from me would work!

SNOWBall4girlz · 11/02/2007 23:51

catching up on this got a pic of dd4 with her chair but not on pc yet
glad that this is not just her

we are trying to get her to sleep as I type and my dh says the same exasperated and totally in love with her at the same time

hi lulu xx

theheadgirl · 11/02/2007 21:53

This is interesting. My dd3 is 6, but due to special needs is still at this stage of development and is a bit of a bugger for climbing on furniture. I have my living room arranged so its not an option for her at home, but her teachers tell me at school she's always stood on the desks! They take pictures of her to show me!

kels666 · 11/02/2007 21:39

Be warned it gets MUCH worse. DD started that at around the same age. Now at 22 mths she spends the whole day dragging chairs around the kitchen and climbing wherever she wants - switching on taps, kettles - anything that takes her fancy (I need eyes in the back of my head) She also spent our entire Sunday roast dinner standing on the kitchen table

Bucketsofdynomite · 11/02/2007 20:20

I've got a stairgate across my kitchen doorway, if ds is being a pain (another furniture mover) and repeat offending after being scolded, I stick him on the other side for a few minutes. 'If you can't play nicely in the kitchen you can't play at all.'
Works the other way too, I shut it at mealtimes because he likes to potter about trying different chairs etc which is fine by me as long as he's in the kitchen.

Nemo2007 · 11/02/2007 11:45

no advice either just empathy DD2 is also 14mths and doing the same, she has also learnt how to climb the ladder to DS midi sleeper.argghhhh

DaisyMOO · 11/02/2007 11:40

My 16 month ds does this too, drives me potty. TBH I've pretty much given up telling him to get down, I just make sure there's nothing sharp on there. Short of removing all the chairs I'm not sure what else I can do, although i don't think even that would help really, he'd just go and find something else to stand on

It's preferable to his other trick which is to let himself into the chicken and duck run and chase them, which usually ends up in him falling flat on his face in the mud. I'm watching him closely for signs of bird flu

princessmel · 11/02/2007 11:09

Our dd does this with the little woodedn table too. I'm sure it won't be long till she works out how to get onto the kitchen table. We eneded up removing the little chairs that go with the play table for a while. When we got them back out, she'd forgotten about it. For a while...

Is there anywhere you could put the chairs, stacked up out of the way, when you are not eating??

TeeCee · 11/02/2007 11:03

We ended up taking the stair gates off top and bottom in our house as it was safer to show her how to come down safely rather than leave here to try and scale the gate, or stand on the bottom bar while shaking it with all her might! So far so good!

OP posts:
lulumama · 11/02/2007 10:47

going well thanks snowballz......! was wondering where you have been ! babylulu is hysterical and DS adores her and is irritated by her in equal measures at the moment!

it is lovely when they help you eat,

NadineBaggott · 11/02/2007 10:43

when you take her away do you say 'No!' firmly. That's what we do - repetition.

WanderingTrolley · 11/02/2007 10:42

Some children just have an urge to climb.

IMO the best thing you can do is to teach them how to come down safely, if you can't barricade the 'mountain' in question.

That or heavy ankle weights

SNOWBall4girlz · 11/02/2007 10:27

hi lulumama
not been on for a while how is the bar?
baby lulu sounds great lol

SNOWBall4girlz · 11/02/2007 10:26

mine 'helped' me eat my museli putting the bits back in the dish that she did not like lol

lulumama · 11/02/2007 10:24

tee cee, she would get on soooo well with babylulu ! run & screech whilst hurling something forbidden is her absolute favourite game!

see, we don;t have baby einstein,purple, they are watching discovery kids! is that ok ?

SNOWBall4girlz · 11/02/2007 10:24

she is 20 moths btw
she also teases us with the remote control {laughs and runs away}
and yesterday got the bin liners out of the cupboard and tried to put them all in the newly emptied bin lol

TeeCee · 11/02/2007 10:22

Oh we let her sit on the table int he end while we had our dinner as it was a case of anything for a quiet 5 minutes. she kept taking asapargus spears off my plate and eating them and then tried to pick up the whole chicken breast and eat that!

OP posts:
SNOWBall4girlz · 11/02/2007 10:22

I am not alone
we have a mini set table and chairs and my dd4 climbs onto the table via the chairs and puts her arms up and says hey!!

She comes and get a small chair and carries it into the kitchen to climb up on so she can reach the counter and also moves the step thing around to were she want it as well.
She also can stand up in her high chair and teases us when we say playpen and immediately sits down lol

TeeCee · 11/02/2007 10:21

LOL, the chairs are well and truly pushed under the table and wedged together, but she is such a determined little minx she pulls them out!
When i sau 'uh, NOoooo' quite loudly she gets massicvley excited and thinks it's really a great fun game and tries to get up in a mad excited panic! She's properly full of mischief this one.

She just tried to pick up the cat bowl full of food so when i said 'uh, noooo', she screamed in excitment, threw it up in the air and ran towards me lauging her head off!

Oh God help me!

OP posts:
purplemonkeydishwasher · 11/02/2007 10:20

don't feel guilty lulu. DS is currently standing on the coffee table watching little einsteins.


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DarrellRivers · 11/02/2007 10:19

LOL at the electric fence

DarrellRivers · 11/02/2007 10:19

Bummer, it works for our dog, who is also partial to climbing onto the table(to look for food), but she is a dog of a very very small brain

lulumama · 11/02/2007 10:18
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