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what do yo do when your child is a smart alec?

10 replies

cheeryface · 08/02/2007 13:59

when they have a cocky answer for you all the time,
when you say e.g 'time for school , get your coat' and they reply ' duurrr what do you think i'm doin'

that kind of thing in a seven year old

advice please!

OP posts:
FluffyMummy123 · 09/02/2007 16:43

Message withdrawn

cheeryface · 09/02/2007 16:41

grown up punishment, hmmmm..i will have to think on that lol

OP posts:
pointydog · 08/02/2007 21:46

Thing that strikes me with the stairs is that a child with attitude is trying to be sort of grown up and sitting on the stairs is sort of babyish. Can you introduce a 'grown-up' punishment for 'grown-up' cheek?

pointydog · 08/02/2007 21:44

a withering 'drop the attitude, I don't like it'

and if it continues I do the cross lecture bit about respect and things that make me happy and things that make me unhappy and I tell 'em they will be grounded (and I do not expect them to turn this lecture into a conversation).

All very pleasant.

cheeryface · 08/02/2007 21:26

i think i'll try sitting him on the stairs. if i get the old 'whatever' saying again i'll go mad!

OP posts:
poppiesinaline · 08/02/2007 14:08

throckenholt. I like that one

poppiesinaline · 08/02/2007 14:07

When they are being rude consistently during the day I normally end up giving time out. "If you speak to me that like again you will spend x number of minutes on the stair/in your bedroom" Thats what I tend to do. It seems to work with mine.

throckenholt · 08/02/2007 14:06

maybe something along the lines of "I thought you were standing there waiting for the fairies to put it on for you"

cheeryface · 08/02/2007 14:03

thats what i do, but, i am finding myself saying it several times a day, should i be doing soemthing more?

OP posts:
poppiesinaline · 08/02/2007 14:02

I take the stern don't talk to me like that face and say "Errr, less of the cheek please!!!"

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