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Squabbling Siblings

2 replies

Hendo8525 · 15/08/2016 15:09

My girls are 6 and 3 years old and keep squabbling all the time. They squabble over everything, from toys to television. Often they both just deliberately wide each other up. I have tried mediation, talking to them, and time out, but it doesn't seem to be improving. It is at the point where it is upsetting me a little - There is only a 2 and a half year gap, so I thought they would be friends and play together. Has anyone been through it? any tips appreciated! Sad

OP posts:
Hendo8525 · 15/08/2016 16:13

Thanks - I think summer holidays is making it much more noticeable. I might try having them do different things for an hour on an evening to see if it improves things x

OP posts:
RedOnHerHedd · 15/08/2016 15:50

I have two boys, 11 and 8. They still squabble over everything. It helps when they're able to do things separately, as I find when they are together after having time apart they play with less squabbling.

It drives me insane sometimes. It's also not so bad when the weather is good, but when it's raining I sometimes have to have them play in their own rooms away from each other.

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