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9 months and not crawling

10 replies

WonderWoman30 · 31/05/2016 19:18

My DS Is almost 9 months and has no interest in crawling or rolling over. He sits up unaided until he reaches out for something then falls. Is this normal?

OP posts:
lalalemon · 01/06/2016 21:07

My niece didn't crawl til 9.5 months and then got up and walked a week later!

My little one is 7 months and trying to crawl but looking more like she's doing breastroke at the mo! She loves to stand and hold on to things though and can walk if we hold her hands. I've a feeling she might do the same as her cousin!

louise987 · 31/05/2016 19:39

My 9 month old is the same. Nothing to worry about! Enjoy them staying in one spot while it lasts Grin

DailyMailYobos · 31/05/2016 19:28

My DD has just started crawling. She is 12 months

Artandco · 31/05/2016 19:28

Sounds normal. Neither of mine really crawled. Shuffled a bit then walked just after first birthdays

EsmesBees · 31/05/2016 19:27

Totally normal. They all do things in their own time. You'll probably notice that while he may crawl later than his peers he'll be more dexterous or talkative.

paxillin · 31/05/2016 19:26

DS never crawled. Bum shuffled, then walked.

frog51 · 31/05/2016 19:25

My DD sat in one spot ( perfectly happily) for nearly 2 years. Didn't crawl, bum shuffle - nothing until she just got up and started walking one day..DS2 crawled commando- style and DS1did everything as you would expect.. don't worry :)

isthatmytshirt · 31/05/2016 19:22

Mine wasn't crawling at nine months. Suddenly decided one day (can't remember when, but wasn't by nine months) that they needed to be moving, so went for it. Crawled for a week or two then decided to walk. Ended up walking "early". So late crawlers aren't destined to be developmentally backwards ;)

Ah how we worry though.

Everything in its own time :) enjoy that you'll find him where you left him for now.

katiegg · 31/05/2016 19:21

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Hodooooooooor · 31/05/2016 19:19

Yes. Entirely normal.

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