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Mummys boy syndrome. We need help!

3 replies

NbgsYellowFeathers · 15/01/2007 10:33

DS is now 20 weeks and he is very much a mummys boy. In fact its got so bad he wont let anyone else do anything with him. Be it feed him, put him to bed, hold him or play with him but when I come into view, everything is ok again, the screaming stops and he turns back into a lovely smiling baby.
It was really quite sweet to start with but now its effecting everything. I can't give him to dh if dd wants anything, I cant have a sleep in because he wont settle unless I'm there holding him. Even things like having a bath or shower are a nightmare unless I get him to sleep.
Has anyone else come across this and how did you change things?

OP posts:
fortyplus · 15/01/2007 13:15

My ds2 was a pain in the bum - even if I was cuddling him he would scream if I looked away from him! Little sod - he's lovely, now, though (aged 11!
There's a very good reason why sleep deprivation is used as a form of torture...
Actually, to cheer you up a bit - by the time they are 9 months old they start to realise that, just because they can't see you when you leave the room, you haven't ceased to exist. So only another 5 months to go...
If you want to preserve your sanity buy 'Toddler Taming' by Christopher Green - the man's a genius imo.

NbgsYellowFeathers · 15/01/2007 10:59

18 months!!!
I need sleep now

OP posts:
fortyplus · 15/01/2007 10:34

Don't worry - by the time he's 18 months he'll be a Daddy's boy and won't want you when dh is around! Look forward to it!

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