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Speech Delay

23 replies

NickyEds · 12/02/2016 14:18

My ds turned 2 just before Christmas. He's a lovely, if lively little boy but he doesn't talk yet. At allSad. He can make a some animal noises, say "Daddy" and pretend to snore. He doesn't try to mimic our speech or parrot what we say. His understanding is good; if I say "Please go get Baby sister a toy from the play room" then he will (when he want to!-but he understands), we can look through picture dictionaries and if i say "point to the...whatever" he can for lots (over 100 I would have thought).....but no talking.
We went to the SALT drop in clinic before Christmas and she said that yes he's delayed and that I should take him back at Easter. She commented that she couldn't get him to make eye contact with her, which was true. The assessment room was full of toys and he was busy playing but she did try very hard to get him to look at her. He's fine with us, Grandparents, staff at Pre school etc. She asked if he is affectionate which he is, very, lots of cuddles. Pre school have said that they're working on his attention and focus but he'd still just rather play.

So I'm taking him back to SALT next month but I'm worrying and could use some experiences! I keep hearing of dc who just miraculously start to talk but I'm just not convinced. Has anyone had this and their baby gone onto be fine? Has anyone had this and their dc received a diagnosis? What was it? TIA

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Bree85 · 15/02/2016 12:44

I hope your son will turn out fine. My friend's boyfriend has speech delay. All he had was support and then he turned out fine today. Just give him support and lots of love.

NickyEds · 14/02/2016 20:26

Thanks everyone. I'm going to call the hv tomorrow and see if they can refer him, if not then the gp. I think I'd rather have the hearing test done before we see the SALT again if I can, or else everything will just be delayed further.

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BackforGood · 14/02/2016 17:38

I agree, my first port of call would be to get his hearing tested. He might be able to hear some sounds but not others - only hear at some frequencies or be hearing there is a sound, but not always be able to make it out clearly. Hearing is something that can fluctuate a lot in little people, which could explain why he will sometimes follow an instruction but not yet be articulating words.
GP or HV can refer to audiology - seems silly to wait until Easter to then go on a waiting list.

OpalsAreForever · 14/02/2016 17:29

I saved this the other day but forgot to come back to reply.

I'm another one who would recommend getting his hearing checked. My son is just 2. We're in the US system and he failed to meet the required word count for a 2 year old. After an appointment with audiology we found out that he has severe fluid (glue ear) in his ears and because of the perceived speech delay, we're having grommets fitted next month.

I've always been relaxed about his development as he has been a late starter but I'm so glad we found this out sooner rather than later.

Jesabel · 13/02/2016 11:19

The health visitor referred us direct to audiology when I asked about a hearing test. I was told with glue ear it can be like hearing things underwater, and also that it comes and goes (DS is better in the summer and worse in winter).

NickyEds · 13/02/2016 11:14

Thanks all. I asked about a hearing test at 20 months and was told to wait ans see if he came on, then again at the SALT drop in and they asked if he'd had his hearing tested at birth-he did and it was fine then. He will look up if he hears a plane and can obviously hear but i remember with my niece who had glue ear she could hear but didn't have a good range of hearing. can a gp refer for this? If they can i could take him to be tested before his next SALT appointment so as to rule it out??

His understanding is good I think.

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Coffeemachine · 13/02/2016 08:17

how is his understanding?

Mynd · 12/02/2016 22:39

My daughter had almost no words aged 22 months. Family were convinced she was fine. I knew she wasn't. As a baby, she failed to even blink when i threw a pile of pans to the floor behind her. But she was a fab lip reader and in family situations she was usually in a highchair at the table looking at their faces and responding happily. They never saw her wandering the flat trying to find me, even though I was standing behind her talking to her. She had severe, persistent glue-ear in both ears. She had grommets fitted and now, aged almost 5, I'd say she's ALMOST caught up with her classmates in terms of language. So I'd say definitely get a hearing test, if only to rule it out.

Girlfriend36 · 12/02/2016 22:07

Yes was just coming into add get a hearing test, my dd was like this good understanding but very limited speech and it turned out she had severe glue ear! Once that was sorted with grommets speech came on in leaps and bounds.

Jesabel · 12/02/2016 22:00

My eldest was late to talk - his understanding seemed ok (though he was a bit dreamy) and he "chatted" a lot but it was gibberish. He started talking more clearly around 2.5 and had caught up by 3. We found out later, when he was almost 4, that he had glue ear.

CocktailQueen · 12/02/2016 21:56

Get his hearing checked!

mydogeatsnutstoo · 12/02/2016 21:53

I would totally ignore family members' comments, they are not helpful and totally incorrect. I would also push for a hearing test, it is straightforward and no reason to delay.
My son had delayed speech and expressive language and I got a lot of ' it's because he's a boy' and 'his sister talks for him'- people will look for and find an explanation! I think at just two it is too early to say, and he may start talking as others have said. My son has a speech disorder and is still having speech therapy at 5 but his speech is improving and his understanding is good- he is bright. I agree it is a good sign if your ds understands.

NickyEds · 12/02/2016 21:52

Yes he babbles. The SALT commented that he's very verbal, just not proper words. The little bits he knows he uses frequently, so every duck gets a "Quack quack", every bed a snoring noise etc. If he wants something he'll drag me to where it is an point and squeal. If he wants to go out he'll go and get his shoes or my keys. I think my family might have a point about needing to speak- I generally know what he wants but obviously i've been going out of my way to increase opportunities to speak, so if he points at the boxes of raisins i don't give him the box but hand him a couple and make him "ask" again for more.

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CocktailQueen · 12/02/2016 21:46

Does he babble? Make any more sounds? How does he tell you what he wants - drink, food, to go out, to show you something?

NickyEds · 12/02/2016 21:46

Sorry x posted Elisheva- ds is no shrinking violet, very physical and gung ho!

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NickyEds · 12/02/2016 21:44

He hasn't had his two year check yet- the hv team are backed up and so it might not be for another month or so. None of Dp's family seem overly concerned because dp didn't talk until he was 2.5 and needed speech therapy until he was 5-6. I'm going to take all then help I can get from the SALT. I was hoping that they'd refer him for a hearing test but they said they'd make a decision about that at Easter.

I really am trying not to worry about it but it's very hard. Every month that passes without him talking feels exponentially more serious. I worry a lot that I've caused this by being a SAHM (he only started pre school in January)-a few family members have said that he doesn't need to talk because I'm always there. We generally have a lovely time together, he's so loving, especially with dd (7 months). I just wish he'd give me some sign of some progress.

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Elisheva · 12/02/2016 21:43

My son was just like this. He had a few words at 2, and then by 2 1/2 was speaking in full sentences.
One thing the speech therapist asked was about his personality - she said that often children who were a little bit on the cautious side, as he was (and still is), sometimes like to wait until they're sure they can do it and then they go for it and just start talking. And he is like this in everything he does. He tends to watch new activities and wait until he's sure what's involved before he'll give it a try.
DS2 however is very gung ho and launches into anything without much thought, he started talking much earlier, no one could understand a thing he was saying but he just gave it a go anyway.
Have you had his hearing checked? That's the first thing they'll do anyway.

4yoniD · 12/02/2016 21:36

DD1 started talking age 2.5, went from nothing to complete sentences in months. DD2 started age 3 but it went a bit wrong and she is in speech therapy for confusing sounds like b and d (and loads of others). No other issues though. Late talkers on my side of the family, so it wasn't unexpected.

susan198130 · 12/02/2016 21:30

I'm probably not much help but is your son due his 2 year check soon or has he had it? My 3 year old failed his 2 year check and was put down as "non compliant" - I have a strong feeling the same could happen with my other son who has his 2 year check next month, but this is just because he's a bossy little thing who doesn't like rules or being told what to do!

My son could talk but my health visitor didn't think well enough for his age. He was tired and not very well that day and I knew he could do much better than he did that day - well at home anyway. She wanted to refer him for speech therapy but I actually declined as I thought he was still so young.

However, now at 3 years and 7 months, his nursery want to refer him for speech therapy. Not necessarily for his speech but more for his interaction skills. He doesn't interact with any of the children at his nursery and seems to go into his own world a lot. I think that is limited to his nursery as he isn't really like that with me, nor when we're out. But I'm going to send him for the speech therapy as it definitely won't hurt.

I just think some kids are slower at things than others. My 2 year old could recite the alphabet in order at 18 months whereas my 3 year old still can't do that.

But one thing I will say is that after my 3 year old's 2 year check (which was done at 27 months), he just came along so much with his speech. It was almost like it happened overnight. I remember my friend seeing him soon after and saying she'd never heard him speak that much. Up until that point, most people couldn't understand what he was saying but I could pick up some of it.

But now he talks fine. Still not up to the level of some his age but I'm not really concerned about that. Maybe your son is just a bit slower at the speech like my son was?

Queenmarigold · 12/02/2016 21:29

My DS is a twin and just turned 3. All of a sudden he is now clearer and sentences are better. Although he still says wed instead of red Grin. Don't panic. His twin is a girl who hasn't stopped talking since she was 12month. Boys are just different.

SusannahD · 12/02/2016 21:11

Yes my DS was like this, no words until 2 1/2 years old. It all sound positive good eye contact with family and understanding of what you are saying. Please enjoy your son and try not to worry he will speak. Do get all the help available from SALT.

NickyEds · 12/02/2016 21:05

I'm really hoping so ktef. He understands simple instructions and basic nouns/verbs but thing like emotions and time I don't think he gets- If I say "Grandad is coming tomorrow" I don't think he'd understand. He's also not great with things like windy/sunny etc. It's hard to know what to make of it.

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ktef · 12/02/2016 19:26

My ds1 was like this. Didn't talk til just after two but understood loads. Then started talking and within a week or two was talking in sentences. He is ten now and doing well. I took him to a SALT at around 2 years and she said (although I know it's not as simple as this) that the fact that he understood lots was a very good sign.

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