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9 replies

purplemonkeydasheranddancer · 27/12/2006 21:04

I am BF my 15 mo DS. It's great, I love it.
He likes to 'play' with the other boob while he nurses. It's driving me nuts!! If I move his hand away he'll take may hand push it towards his feet and hold my arm down with his legs just so he can continue twiddling.
Do I just keep moving his hand? Has anyone else had this problem??

OP posts:
maamee · 28/12/2006 22:48

Same here, my 8 mo old like to play with the nipple he is sucking on, while he is sucking on it. Otherwise he is slapping my face or forced his fingers into my mouth or up my nose....

Tatties · 28/12/2006 14:43

My 20mo ds is a nipple twiddler too... Really bugged me when he first started to do it, now I just put up with it, having tried to discourage him. If he nips me I say something like, "ow, that hurts mummy, don't nip," and I think he understands that now as he usually stops or is a bit more gentle for a while...

PinkTinsel · 28/12/2006 14:28

'he hangs' not 'her hands' (what an odd typo, lol!)

PinkTinsel · 28/12/2006 14:28

lol ds is only 5 months and does this all the time.... not so bad with the other nipple as i usually keep the boob he's not feeding from covered to keep him at bay but her hands off my necklaces and face and scrabbles at my chest with his little kitten claws [ouch emoticon]

miao · 28/12/2006 14:19

Yep, me too, 17mo DD twiddles the free nipple like she's tuning in for a radio station. I try and cover it but then she pinches and scratches the rest. Drives me up the wall, especially when she does it in bed in the mornings. Tried the necklace, tried earrings, nothing worked. Am thinking of tying her hands behind her back.....

Other than that I love BFing .

purplemonkeydasheranddancer · 28/12/2006 09:07

and god help me if his nails are a little long!

OP posts:
Aviatrix · 27/12/2006 21:33

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maisym · 27/12/2006 21:10

had this as well

beansprout · 27/12/2006 21:10

Ds has, from a v early age, always wanted to play with something - pawing at my necklace, reaching for my ear rings, clawing at my face. His current thing is grabbing onto my collar bone and squeezing very hard (rather painful).

The only thing I can do is keep taking his hand away and I often hold and stroke it to try and distract him. If I really need him to stop I will take him off. Other than that, it's the real downside of feeding!!

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