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Is this naughty, quirky or asd?

26 replies

wanderingwondering · 08/02/2016 14:20

Another morning, another battle with dd.
Pants too itchy, socks too loose, trousers uncomfy.
She is 6.5 and has always been tricky but these dressing issues are becoming more and more demanding.
It's mainly the waistband of her pants but even if I eliminate this (have ordered some without the edging) there will be something else.
She has been curled up in a ball sobbing about socks before and will pull clothes off and cry if they don't feel comfy (to her)
It makes getting ready for school, or if we have to be somewhere very hard and although I try my best to be patient I invariably end up getting cross.
Part of me thinks it is some sort of control thing as I can't imagine she gets like this as school when getting changed for PE etc. but she does it even if getting dressed to go somewhere she wants to go.

OP posts:
Wanderingwondering · 14/02/2016 14:35

I have that book-will revisit it as it made sense at the time-I just her this voice in my head (probably my dads!) when she's messing about that says 'she should just do what she's told' which is what makes my stress levels rise!

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