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Tidying-up music!

9 replies

Jellyfish · 20/11/2006 13:41

Not at all sure that I'm posting this in the right category (sorry!) but need suggestions please for a good 3-5 minute piece of music that can be identified and used by 3 yr-olds as a 'tidying up' song. It ideally should be something stimulating and upbeat. Need to get something on tape by the end of the week and I'm brain dead (broken nights!!)so would be very grateful for any suggestions. The group of 3 yr-olds who will be listening to it are already familiar with traditional nursery rhymes so an alternative musical piece (classical or contemporary)would be best but any ideas at all very gratefully received ... !

OP posts:
colditz · 21/11/2006 23:41

Queen - Flash Gordon

Jellyfish · 21/11/2006 23:38

Sorry - was away from my computer yesterday - thank you so much for suggestions. Much appreciated!!

I've now been informed that the playgroup my dd attends has decided to tape 10 tunes (to use for different specific activities) and then vote for the ones they like best/the children respond to most, so if anyone has any further suggestions I'd still be very grateful for them. Thanks again!

OP posts:
mummyjo35 · 21/11/2006 10:51

how about Whistle while u work from Snow White

Nettee · 21/11/2006 10:40

Maybe too obvious but a spoonful of sugar from Mary Poppins?

WigWamBam · 20/11/2006 13:47

March of the Wooden Soldiers from the Nutcracker?

sassy · 20/11/2006 13:45

Surprise symphony - Haydn I think?

Polka from Orpheus (includes the 'Cancan' theme)

WigWamBam · 20/11/2006 13:43

What about something like Flight of the Bumble Bee?

bobsmum · 20/11/2006 13:43

Flight of the bumblebee?

fortyplus · 20/11/2006 13:43

Radetsky Marche - Strauss

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