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Help! My son is one and can't stand up!

11 replies

frazzledazzle · 03/11/2006 10:53

Morning everyone.My son has just turned one and isn't pulling himself up to stand yet anyone else experienced this? When I pull him up by his hands he will stand for a couple of secs but would much rather be on his bum and shows no real interest in wanting to stand.I haven't seen the hv yet but she is rubbish.

OP posts:
NannyL · 07/11/2006 08:51

lots of babies arn standing by 1...

one of my perfectly normal healthy charges was only just sitting

annieanne · 06/11/2006 22:24

my son was a late starter funny cos my daughter could walk at 11mth but my son not till he was 15mth

ginnedupmummy · 06/11/2006 22:15

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fubsy · 06/11/2006 21:26

Did you say he was bumshuffling? Ive found lots of bumshufflers get up a bit later, probably because they have their hands free to do things and can reach a bit higher than crawlers, so less motivation to pull to stand. Of course tyou cpould try putting all his toys higher up.

Seriously though, hes only a year old, so unless you have any toher worries, probably will be fine. If you are concerned later, standard thing is usually to refer to physio if a child isnt walking by 18 months, unless of course there is anything else that needs attention before that.

divastrop · 04/11/2006 20:29

my ds2 only started crawling at 1 and started pulling himself up about 2 weeks later.the later they walk,the better IME,even when you have a newborn.ds1 was 11months when i had dd1,and he didnt walk till he was 15 months,but he used to crawl up the stairs and i would walk up behind him with dd1.its managable!

loopity · 03/11/2006 11:54

Hiya frazzledazzle

Another word of reassurance - ds2 is a bottom-shuffler - didn't weightbear until 17 months! Took his first unaided steps yesterday - he's almost 21 mths now. Once they start to stand for a few secs walking is normally not far off. And Dior's right about the peace! All the best

frazzledazzle · 03/11/2006 11:08

Thanks for the replies everyone I just needed some reassurance that he's fine I try not to be neurotic as a rule but I'm pregnant and I don't fancy carrying him everywhere for another 6months but,hey whatever will be and all that.

OP posts:
Dior · 03/11/2006 11:00

Message withdrawn

Twiglett · 03/11/2006 10:58

so what?

if when you hold him up he's happy to put some weight on his feet flat on the floor then he's fine

don't worry about it

he'll do it when he's ready

and its really not something you want to encourage anyway

Dior · 03/11/2006 10:54

Message withdrawn

Tutter · 03/11/2006 10:54

fret not. at one my ds was only just crawling. he pulled himself up at around the same time, but he has friends who were later still.

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