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Baby classes/groups etc

5 replies

cocacola1006 · 24/03/2015 20:45

How many parents of 1ish year olds have never taken them to a baby group/class/meeting/play session? Ie they dont see other similar aged babies/toddlers

OP posts:
Midorichan · 26/03/2015 13:52

I was never able to get to the groups when my DS was a baby as he woke so early his nap time was right when they started :/ I started to try and take him to toddler groups when his naps sorted themselves out a couple of months ago but it wasn't rght for him - he's just too much of an outdoors kind of kid than a crammed into a space with a heap of other children kid. Playgrounds suit him great, but groups were just too cramped and it was stressing him out and making his behaviour change. Since deciding not to take him it's been blissful. Sure, I'm lonely, but for his sake he see,s to get in better in the wide open spaces x

NickyEds · 25/03/2015 13:09

Not especially. She's going back to work in a couple of months so her ds will be in nursery 3 days a week. I think it really depends on the baby and the mum. My friend can have a nice walk (say an hour) into town, meet in a cafe/restaurant, sit for 90mins-2 hours to have a leisurely meal then walk home (Envy). My ds would go nuts if he was confined to a buggy and high chair for that long but hers is quite placid (he can't walk yet whereas by ds can and I think that makes a difference) so I meet her for the lunch part and leave as she's having dessertEnvyEnvy.
I'm a SAHM so was really keen to meet other mums in the early days when groups are mainly for you. Now ds is walking around I think he gets a lot from them, nice change of scene, new toys etc. I would also get pretty bored when the weathers crap of just soft play/museum/park/library.

cocacola1006 · 24/03/2015 23:07

Do you think they should be going to something soon?

OP posts:
NickyEds · 24/03/2015 20:52

I go to loads of them but a friend of mine does absolutely none. The only other baby her 1 year old sees is my ds about once a month maybe, and only for lunch, we don't do soft play or anything. She seems fine.

Only1scoop · 24/03/2015 20:47

I only went to a couple. They were beyond awful.

Dd went to nursery 2 afternoons from 10 months. She loved it there.

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