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That moment when as a parent you just need that space.

6 replies

Hoper2 · 29/07/2014 17:28

That moment when as a parent you just need that space.

OP posts:
IWillOnlyEatBeans · 01/08/2014 09:29

I put a Peppa Pig dvd on and go and sit in another room for 15 mins Blush

BlueChampagne · 31/07/2014 13:13

Oh yes, just a minute to actually THINK ... and breathe, everyone!

cravingcake · 30/07/2014 20:39

Oh yes, we all have times like that. I often say to DH that absence makes the heart grow fonder so make these children (or me) absent so i can grow fond of them again.

jilted · 30/07/2014 20:30

:.....and the only place you can escape them is the bathroom as it's the only door with a lock on it Hmm

MogTheForgetfulCat · 30/07/2014 18:30

I am having one of those moments now - am hiding up at our allotment because I had to escape from the DC Hmm. DC2 and 3 have been utterly foul today and I have had enough. I would have tipped over into shouty mode if I had stayed at home, I think (DH is at home with them - I basically fled as soon as he stepped through the door).

Am hoping that some weeding and watering will help to calm me down and let me see them as just frustrated and tired children rather than devils incarnate which is how they currently seem...

OldLadyKnowsSomething · 30/07/2014 03:37

We've all had them. Hope today starts better. Flowers

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