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Have you taught your children not to blaspheme?

80 replies

Revised · 11/06/2014 10:33

I've tried. I'm not particularly religious or offended by "taking the Lord's name in vain" myself but I know that people who do believe are, so I've tried to teach my children it's not acceptable and that we don't say OMG/FGS etc out of respect for others.

I'm fighting a losing battle though because it seems these are perfectly acceptable things for teachers and TV presenters to say.

OP posts:
HowsTheSerenity · 13/06/2014 05:55

Ninja - of course! Although Odins balls sounds better then Thors testicles.

GermyElephant · 13/06/2014 06:00

Neither of us say it. We correct DS if he says it.

We are not Christian but are aware that other people are and could be unhappy hearing it. Where there are other appropriate phrases there's no need to use one that might upset people.

alemci · 13/06/2014 08:23

Yes I have definitely noticed the some Irish people using JC more casually or referring to Mary. Is that because the Catholic church used to have so much influence or maybe I have been reading too much Maeve Binchey:)

deepbluetr · 13/06/2014 08:24

"jesus suffering!" is a common one in Scotland.

GermyElephant · 13/06/2014 09:03

I've never heard that, deepblue. "Jesus wept" is fairly common though.

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