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2 Yr Old Nightmare

5 replies

mellowma · 01/09/2006 11:52

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AngelJay · 02/09/2006 11:47

Hello mellowma

Don't blame yourself hun! My little boy is 22 months and we've had tears, screaming and tantrums since he was fifteen months as well as him throwing things when he doesn't get his own way! This happened outside a cafe once and a woman came out the door tutting and shaking her head just because we chose to ignore him. (Even negative attention is attention they say). I felt very upset but could'nt think of anything else we could have done! At the end of the day you have to STOP worrying about other people. They've either never had bairns or have forgotten how hard it is!!! The keys to dealing with this behavious are to give tons of positive praise when they are behaving well, distract them quickly if you feel things could get out of hand, ignore (as much as possible) the tantrums unless he or she is a danger to themselves or others then 'time out' would be advisable! Tracy Hogg the Baby Whisperer is very good and I use alot of her suggestions. I work with children for my sins but believe me it's not as hard as having your own! I'm sure you are doing a great job!!!

becks5109 · 01/09/2006 14:16

My dd was born in May and is also exactly like this - I too get embarrassed as she is very loud and screamy. A neighbour who has 2 children actually came out in the street to see what all the noise was about the other day (I was very annoyed at the neighbour!). She is also incredibly fussy about everything and wants to do everything herself but I see that as good thing and a sign of real independence. I also have lots of ante natal friends whose children seem really quite and well behaved but my mum is always saying that compared to mine they are boring! Also I find that when she is playing with other children she does alot of screaming and fussing and often one of the quieter ones will do something really sly like bite her but because she is the one screaming and yelling everyone assumes she is the trouble maker. I thik they all go through something eventually so I'm sure the quiet ones will be nightmare teenagers instead!

mellowma · 01/09/2006 13:38

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notsoladyjess · 01/09/2006 13:18

my ds1 is 2.9 yrs old and has just come out of a real hitty, tantrummy, not wanting to share anything phase. it did my head in and i felt like i had to make excuses for him all the time.
most of my friends have girls who all seemed to be so chilled out and read books all the time! ds1 was like a bull in a china shop but honestly he has come out of it now and i am so relieved.
he is still pretty fussy (about what bowl he has, what cushion he has on the sofa, which towel he uses, the list goes on!) but he is not hitting anymore or being quite so volatile. it lasted about 2-3 months.
good luck and i really hope it passes soon.

izzybiz · 01/09/2006 12:58

My Dd was 2 in may as well.
I was only saying to my mum this morning about her tantrums over everything!

She is such a fun little girl, and has always been very vocal and spirited, but the constant tantrums are starting to grate on my nerves too.

But, i do think its "just a phase" and it will pass when they can communicate better.

Then the next "phase" will start!

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