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Sleep.......Should mine be sleeping through the night!

11 replies

d1156345352025b004409 · 23/08/2006 16:22

Just wondered at 6 months should they be sleeping through the night? - I know each child is different, so I'm sure they'll be a mix of replies. My baby has been assisted to sleep from a very early age due to colic, so not sure if he wakes quite often throughout the night because he realises that I have put him in his cot! - as I'm not convinced that its due to hunger as he does not always finish the bottle....

OP posts:
Adorabelle · 28/08/2006 22:16

My dd was always b.fed to sleep untill 19mnths

She's now 2, still b.feeding but doesn't need that last b.feed to go to sleep. Dh or I will hang about upstairs let her know we are there if she needs us & within 15/20 she's asleep.

I don't think there is anything wrong with helping your baby fall asleep, dd slept in our bed from birth to 19 mnths then suddenly decided that she actually quite liked going to sleep in her cot

angelaj1 · 28/08/2006 21:32

Hello my baby is a bit younger so am notspeaking from experience - but more from sister who has a 7 month old who also had colic from birth and would only sleep when assisted with a dummy which meant them getting up about 8 times in the night to put it back in as she cried everytime it fell out which was hell
she decided enough was enough so took a couple of steps to combat it which may or may not be helpful to you:

took the dummy away completely had one bad night but she has adapted really quickly and restricted the amount of sleep in the day to 3 hours which was hard to start off with but 3 nights in and she went through the night for the first time!! and has been doing so albiet fairly irregularly since but at least she knows its possible
Weaning also helped as well so I think it was a combination of things
Good luck

d1156345352025b004409 · 25/08/2006 14:57

Thanks for all of your responses so far! - I have tried soothing him in his cot but he just wont have it, I have to pick him up and rock him back to sleep. He is also weaning well, he has around 6 teaspoons of breakfast (just a bottle for lunch) 6 teaspoons of dinner followed by pudding at around 5.30pm. I must say that since I started weaning he only seems to be drinking 4-5 oz's instead of 7 at every bottle feed! - could that have something to do with the waking?

OP posts:
ZacharyZoo · 24/08/2006 14:33

Hi, this is my first time on here, but have just had my third baby so hope that the things i have done may help! My daughters and 12 and 9, and my baby is 4 months, and i have followed the pattern of a bath, massage with baby oil and very peaceful evening,followed by absolutely no interaction during the night feeds, even if they are every 2 hours at first! Keep a very dim light, enough to see what you are doing if you have to change a nappy (but if its just a wet nappy don't change it, unless its very wet!)Feed and put straight back into the cot, somewhere between birth and 4 months they just seemed to fall into a pattern of sleeping from 8.30 ish to 6.30ish. I suppose it all depends on what you consider "through the night". Being woken at 6.30 am by a very happy baby is fine by me! As much as i am not a "routine" person in all other aspects, i hate to agree that with a baby it is really important. They just seem to be able to relax and enjoy their sleep if they have had the same pattern of events every night! I know i've been very lucky with the sleeping, i don't know if doing this helped them be good sleepers, or i have just been fortunate! My baby is only 4 months old, i could be back on here next week pulling my hair out because he won't sleep!

100Vicki · 24/08/2006 14:00

I had trouble getting my ds to sleep through the night. When he was 6 months old I was still giving him 2 bottles of milk a night!! I was told he didn't need them as was weaning well at that stage, he was just waking up through habit. So what I decided to do was when he woke in the night I would offer him a bottle of water. He got quite cross about this a few times but when he refused the water I would settle him back down in his cot and eventually he would go off to sleep. After a week of this he started to wake just once in the night and a few weeks later he began to sleep right through! He's now 17 months old and I've never had any problems with his sleeping habits since.

Don't know if this will help you. All babies are different so don't worry too much about it at this stage. Good luck !!

liquidclocks · 24/08/2006 09:53

Yes all babies are different BUT if you're fed up and want to try and encourage sleeping through there are some good tips on this page. I think it's as much to do with you whether they sleep through as them, but that's my opinion and I'm sure people will beg to differ (Going to hide now before I get shot). hth.

sunandmoon · 24/08/2006 09:15

I hated it when some mothers were telling me their babies did their full night sleep when DD was only 1 month old. She even didn't want to nap during the day until she was 4 months old, and all the other babies did...So it seems!!!
Each babies are so different... My cousin's DD did her full night at 2 weeks old, My nephew at 3 months old, My DD at 6 months old, My niece at 2 years old...etc etc

CorrieDale · 23/08/2006 16:51

JARM is spot on. All babies are different. Some sleep, some not so much! DS didn't for ages and even now, after a couple of months of sleeping through, his sleep is erratic again, despite not being fed at night. Even good sleepers have phases when they don't sleep well - 4 months, 9 months, 12 months, 18 months, 2 years... probably a few others that I've missed!

jessicaandrebeccasmummy · 23/08/2006 16:28

MY 2 yr old didnt sleep through until herl ittle sister arrived when she was 15 months old.

Becky on the other hand has slept through since she was 6 weeks.... all babies are differnet

jowen · 23/08/2006 16:27

Crikey you are going to have some trouble remembering that username!

Mum2FunkyDude · 23/08/2006 16:25

Hi, have you tried just soothing him in his cot when he wakes? Just by gentle patting his back and maybe saying shhhhhhh...mine use to wake and there was a stage that he had trouble getting himself back to sleep. I'm sure they are capable of going 11 hours without a bottle at this age. Is he on solids yet?

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