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Sometimes I sound just like my mother!!! [shock]

3 replies

stoppinattwo · 14/07/2006 12:26

I have on occasion caught myself using phrases that my mother used to use, And I hated

Does anyone else ever cringe with deja vue

OP posts:
DollyP · 15/07/2006 19:13

I have turned into my mother! Frightening! She was here today with my father and it was spooky hearing myself say exactly what she used to say to me ("DON'T touch that please!" "Put that DOWN please" "NO!!!!!!") while she was there....

Aaargh, hope my husband is feeling brave. My ma can be a real battleaxe when she wants (unlike me naturally )

Greensleeves · 14/07/2006 19:38

Yes, I got very exasperated with ds1 a couple of days ago and found myself sounding exactly like her (normal her, not psychotic her, but it was bad enough )

I stopped in my tracks, apologised for being a grumpy mummy and gave him a cuddle. He looked a bit confused, bless him

southeastastra · 14/07/2006 19:36

all the time! i burp like her all of a sudden

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