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4.5 month old, breastfed, and not gaining enough weight...

51 replies

DizzyDizzy · 03/10/2013 12:22

I've had the health visitor out again, and my daughter of 4 and a half months, has put on about 1oz in the past 5 weeks. the health vistor's advised that i start giving her formula, but i REALLY don't want too. my daughter is very disinterested in food. she feeds often, but not for very long. she's always looking around, and generally not interested in feeding. i don't see how trying to feed her formula will help? if she doesn't take breast for long, why will giving her a bottle make her more interested? i suggest trying to start weening her instead, and she said yes, but to give her high fat content foods (obviously) but when she said potatoes and butter (?) and cream (?) or greek yoghurt (?) i was shocked, as i thought you weren't suppose to give babies cows milk until they're 1. she said it's ok, and that formula milk is adjusted cow's milk... which i thought was bullsh*t! has anyone else had a similar problem? if so, what did they do? and should i really be giving my child cow's milk based products at this age? please help!!!! i'm extremely worried about her now!!!

OP posts:
Retroformica · 28/10/2013 08:16

I had a friend who started feeding high fat foods to try and put on baby weight. She should have just accepted that her child was like her father and slim but she seemed to almost force feed him and seemed desperate. Now years down the line the kid only eats crap and uses food as a control issue. He's 10.

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