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Teeting???? Crying, crying, crying

7 replies

archiesmummy · 26/06/2006 09:24

Hiya, My ds is a week away from 6 months and 1 of the bottom teeth is coming through (can feel like "broken glass" where there was nothing b4).

Yesterday and so far today he cries if left on his own. Sometimes he is ok for a few minutes but other times he cries as soon as put down... It's not his normal cry either, more of a moaning but more of it and constant.
Also yesterday he didn't feed (bf) hardly at all in the daytime.

Is this how they behave when teething or do you think something else is wrong?
I just had to put him down for his morning nap by holding him, rocking and singing to him...
If it is teething is it ok to give calpol? Got mil babysitting tonite as DH bday.
Hope soemone can help me.

OP posts:
lunarx · 26/06/2006 13:02

good luck.. another thing to try might be dipping a small cloth (muslin or other) in a bit of water and freezing that for ds to chew. (my ds, who is 2, still likes this when his teeth hurt..)

archiesmummy · 26/06/2006 12:00

not overly keen on teething rings, but ill try the ice, thanc lunarx

OP posts:
lunarx · 26/06/2006 10:49

does he like teething rings, the ones you put in the fridge? or if not, maybe finely crushed up ice?

i hope he settles tonight so you have a nice night out

mawbroon · 26/06/2006 10:25

Yes, they can. Up until 6 months the dose is half a powder and then a whole one after six months.

archiesmummy · 26/06/2006 10:19

OK, can teething powders be used before weaning??? I'm planning to start weaning him at 26 weeks, which is not til next week.

OP posts:
mawbroon · 26/06/2006 10:17

Ashton and Parsons teething powders seem to do the trick along with Calpol. You can give them up to every hour if it's bad. My DS's face lights up with glee when he sees them.

Beauregard · 26/06/2006 09:30

Hi,yep you can give him 2.5mls of calpol if you want to.My dd2 is same age and also teething ,give him something cold to bite down on, such as teething ring cooled in fridge or cucumber.Teething can make it painful for lo's to suck so that is probably why your ds is feeding less!

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